New Social Thread

Heh, weird. You wouldn't believe the stories i have to tell. Meth, heroin, bikers tryin to kill me, more felonies than I shall ever admit to committing, deaths, girlfriends, jail, jail, fights, drinking, two bands, etc...It's been intense. I moved back out to Illinois with family where I am currently about to start working and getting shit straight and get on with life again.

:kickass: Ye hath lived.
Another reason to not go there.

Says the guy in Illinois

They are somewhere east of Columbus. No way they could migrate 125 miles in 8 hours.

The zoo animal part is new, but someone killing themselves in Ohio is hardly a surprise.

Kevin! How've you been bro? No, sorry to say but I moved to Illinois to get my shit straight. The Marquis eh? Quite a step up from the show I played with you guys. Who's on the bill with you? Sucks I'm missin it. If I were there you know I'd show up for sure.

I've been great, working full time and going to school again part time. Planning on transferring to UCD next fall. Working on the debut album with Kastigation, shit's turning out fantastic. We're gonna have more of everything.

We played with Suns of Sorath and Frost Thane. Both were great. Our new song and lack of a dedicated front man were both well-received, the crowd was appropriately rambunctious and enthusiastic. We had an interview after the set. I got to drink at a show for the first time and all my friends bought me a beer. And that delicious New York style stone oven pizza, damn. Love that shit.

The Marquis tends to pay us. I like that a lot. In fact, we get paid at most of our shows in Denver. We might be playing at the Gothic in November if this gig pans out.