New Social Thread

AND come to MDF with us to tell them in person!

I'm definitely going to be there. Alot of the stories I can't tell online as it is. Haha. I should be a dead man though. I had so many clubs and shit trying to get me it's ridiculous. Nobody survives that shit.

I'm looking for a cheap CD online. Only got like 7 bucks left in my account to get one so I'm having trouble. Any recommendations? I'm in the mood for some decent black metal or grindcore.

and do you mean more like economic sanctions by the govt or more like actions taken by the banking industry?
zabu of nΩd;10047665 said:

and do you mean more like economic sanctions by the govt or more like actions taken by the banking industry?

It's all over their main site. I guess MasterCard, Visa and others have cut off avenues for donating to the site or they've blocked access to any funds they have. They're basically doing something illegal because even high level government officials have said the banks have no justification to do this, but they're basically part of the government anyway so...
Not sure if there's a "tool/maintenance/home improvement" thread or not, but I just bought a new television and it wobbles a bit on the stand. Are they supposed to give a little bit, or should it be more steady; and if so, any tips on how to fix it?

Thanks friends. :cool:
Try putting a blanket under it or sticking cardboard under one side? idk really. might want to try a different table if you have one
I think he's talking about the stand for the tv, the base thing. No it shouldn't wobble. Unless it's a cheap crap tv. I'd take it back off and do some examining. Is it around the right way? Is it supposed to screw on?
Are there any languages that have some kind of marker on pronouns based on which noun was mentioned first? For example "the rebels create a good place for their people that they put their lives on the line for." It would be good to have some marker for the theirs to give clear reference to the rebels or the people.

Edit: A better example: The burglar killed the shopkeeper with his gun. Whose gun? The burglar's or the shopkeeper's?
Go somewhere with less minorities. Particularly somewhere with less minorities that have guns and armored vehicles.
Are there any languages that have some kind of marker on pronouns based on which noun was mentioned first? For example "the rebels create a good place for their people that they put their lives on the line for." It would be good to have some marker for the theirs to give clear reference to the rebels or the people.

Edit: A better example: The burglar killed the shopkeeper with his gun. Whose gun? The burglar's or the shopkeeper's?

that's just an ambiguous pronoun reference and a shitty job done by the speaker. I highly doubt the examples you gave are the rule for any language
If they are for any language, it's probably a native American language. Some have different verb conjugations based on the shape of the subject or object. I guess using the noun instead kind of gets rid of the need for a special pronoun, but a special pronoun could be used in some cases to decrease the amount of syllables in the sentence.