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Edit: A better example: The burglar killed the shopkeeper with his gun. Whose gun? The burglar's or the shopkeeper's?

In Swedish, that would be either: Rånaren dödade affärsinnehavaren med sin pistol


Rånaren dödade affärsinnehavaren med hans pistol

Both words in bold refer to his gun, but in the first example the gun belongs to the burglar and in the second it belongs to the shopkeeper.
So is sin used for the one mentioned first and hans used for the one mentioned second? Or does it work that sin is for the subject and hans is for the object?
Ah, interesting. Spanish and Latin have that too, but in Spanish it's basically only used in combination with verbs. I'm not sure how it's used in Latin, but so far in my studies it seems to be used the same way as in Spanish.
I'd even go as far to say that Spanish is the closest to Latin in terms of pronunciation. I've listened to several examples of Latin pronunciation and it's not too far from my Colombian accent which is one of the most ancient Spanish accents.
The Korean script is amazing. I know it was created to spread literacy to all of Korea, but damn. It's so much simpler and more adept than the Nāgarī alphabet, which was previously my favorite script.
The Korean script is amazing. I know it was created to spread literacy to all of Korea, but damn. It's so much simpler and more adept than the Nāgarī alphabet, which was previously my favorite script.

Hey, I've been meaning to ask you this for some time now: Who the fuck are you? You're obviously not new considering your join date and post count. Did you change your name at some point? If so, who were you before the name change?
I've had many names because I'm pretty fickle. I was Feathers & Flames, Tyrael, and that's all I can remember, actually.
I spent the day riding in the back of a creeper van. I was sitting in a rocking chair.
Does anyone ever wonder what the proper adjective would be for their specific brand of philosophy if it were popularized? My last name ends with an a, so I have no fucking idea.