One thing that has helped me when learning new sentence structures and grammar that are foreign to me is to try to recall every word in the sentence, then try to understand the meaning using the new grammar. It's hard at first to not try to reassemble it to fit the grammar you're familiar with, but if you persevere, it makes picking up new grammar easy as shit. One tip I have to make it easier to use the new grammar mentally is to say the meaning to yourself in your head or aloud with each word. You know it's working when it becomes easier not to rearrange the grammar in your head in order to understand the sentences.
Also, learning the basics of another language besides the one you're trying to learn can help considerably. I'd be struggling with Korean grammar right now if I never had the experience with putting the word "now" right after the subject in Chinese, and putting the verb at the end of the sentence or after the subject in Latin. The only new thing that hit me with Korean grammar was that prepositions like "to" are attached to the end of the noun. For example, if you say "I go to the town center," in Korean it's "I town center-to go." And with all my experience picking up basics from languages like Norwegian, Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Finnish, Chinese, Japanese, French, and Italian, learning the mechanics of a new language is almost instant for me. Though, I understand it may not be as easy for others because I have been in a multilingual household for years, so that may have extended my "window" for learning new words easily.
Anyways, good luck with German.