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Anyways, I just had a thought. What if Jesus got his teachings from Confucius? It's all perfectly possible. Confucius predated Jesus, and Israel did have trade with China. While I don't think there are ancient Hebrew versions of Confucius' writings, I don't see any reason why Jesus couldn't have heard this by word of mouth, thought it made sense, and then decided to preach it. The big parallel between their teachings that prompted this thought was the whole "treat others how you'd like to be treated" thing.

Jesus was a Torah keeper, which really has nothing to do with Confucious.
-Whiten her nose for Satan.
-Whiten your nose for Satan.

The existence of Jesus is just like his "father": it can not be proven with 100% certainty if he existed or not.

If there was actually any contemporaneous evidence of his existence, then we could at least say that the Jesus of the Bible actually existed, sans magical powers. But all evidence that tells of his existence is decades posthumous at best, so the historicity of the character is very much under suspicion.
If he didn't, would it matter?
The idea has already spread like a virus.
Physical existence is over-rated IMHO.

Why would anyone do stupid stuff to his brother's girlfriend? Just tell her to stop bothering you and leave you alone. I'll guarantee you she'll understand.

S'what I'm sayin'.

@Cronopio: I hope you got the Blacklodge reference.
Jesus' existence isn't 100% proven, but analysis of the gospels shows that some parts are almost identical, which suggests that they came from one source (known by people as Q, who could've been Yeshua of Nazareth), so it's unlikely that people just made up this guy, but it's also not completely proven that he was real. Also, Yeshua wasn't exactly an uncommon name.

Anyways, on the original topic:

There obviously wasn't an internet back then, so unless something was written down, it wasn't recorded. I don't see how it would be impossible for news of Confucius' teachings to reach Israel, since there were trade routes that hit both places. It's definitely possible that one merchant said something about Confucianism to one merchant who said something to another who said something to another until it hit Israel. By the way, this had about two centuries to happen. Unless the parallels are glaring, one can only go on subtleties, which are more likely given the distance.

I'm not trying to invalidate Jesus' teachings by playing the whole "oh lol he copied them" card. I'm just suggesting the possibility that bits of Confucian thought may have sparked his ideas of reform.

I also think that the concept of the holy trinity could be modeled after the trimurti. For one thing, the trimurti predates it, secondly, trinity and trimurti are the same word in different languages, and it kind of makes sense when you line it up: Bhraman (the creator) = God (the father), Śiva (the destroyer/changer) = Jesus (the son, who did change things), Vishnu (the maintainer) = the holy spirit.
Oh, I see what you mean. I thought for a second that if the suggestion was that it all came from one source, it detracts from the likelihood that the source could have been made up.

Yeah, obviously it could have been. The writers of the gospels did have motivation to do that. I mean, if they both wrote some of the same stuff and said "no, we didn't say it, Jesus did," then the blame could be shifted.
So I've literally left a permanent mark on someone for the rest of his life. One of my Greek students commissioned me to translate a phrase into Latin so he could get it tattooed on his back. Here are the results.



And that's my translation of "May this be a symbol to always remind me of the sins I've committed and can never let myself forget."

Go me.
Maybe he's kind of like the guy in Memento and can't remember something bad he did that he would do again if he weren't reminded he did it.
I also think that the concept of the holy trinity could be modeled after the trimurti. For one thing, the trimurti predates it, secondly, trinity and trimurti are the same word in different languages, and it kind of makes sense when you line it up: Bhraman (the creator) = God (the father), Śiva (the destroyer/changer) = Jesus (the son, who did change things), Vishnu (the maintainer) = the holy spirit.

Different words to describe the same thing.
After some research, it appears that the trimurti concept came about after Christianity, but I'm still a little suspicious. I'm pretty sure the gods Bhraman, Shiva, and Vishnu were around way before Christianity, and the website that talked about the trimurti coming after Christianity was Catholic, so I can't trust it too much.

I'm still wondering if anyone has done research on the Jesus/Confucius thing I brought up. I don't know ancient Greek or ancient Chinese, so as far as my analysis goes for finding similarities between their teachings, I can only go by English translations. I read a bunch of Confucius' proverbs yesterday and a lot were pretty similar to a lot of proverbs from Jesus. Again, I'm not saying this discredits Jesus, but I think that there may be some relation at play here since there was trade and Confucian teachings had two hundred years to reach Israel by word of mouth.
He's a freshman, and has many other tattoos besides that. It was his choice to permanently engrave his delusions on his corpse. I was just doing my job.