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I'm really not too well versed in 60s or 70s music. I like Joy Division and Bauhaus, who got started in the late 70s, but that's about it. I mostly listen to 80s & 90s, and to a lesser extent, 00s-onward.

80s: Christian Death, Dead or Alive, The Smiths, Pet Shop Boys
90s: Marilyn Manson, Cradle of Filth, London After Midnight, Pet Shop Boys
00s: Theatres des Vampires (old), Sopor Aeternus, Akercocke (maybe)

*based on the band's contribution to that decade.
How does one deal with bands crossing multiple decades? Just when they started/put out their first full-length? Tool would be on my 90s list, along with like... Suffocation or something.

I say do whatever feels right to you. I prefer to mark the start of the band's career as the release of their first full-length.

My 2000s list is ridiculous, as i barely listen to any bands that started then.
Ya, I spent 20 minutes going back and forth on my final three in the 60's and gave up. No fucking way I could just name three bands man. But I will say, The Beatles should be on everyone's list by default.
Chicago/Illinois residents:

August 25th is Hot Import Nights at Solider field. It's a huge car show with a lot of hot bitches and cool shit to do. Even if you're apathetic towards cars it'd still be cool to check out. I'm definitely going so if you wanted to head down and meet up I'm down.

If you're interested just PM me or something and I'll remind you when it's getting closer to showtime.
That will be the weekend just before classes start at Iowa. I'm not a car person, but I might be able to drive over to Chi-town to grab a round with you.
I don't mind them at all. I've just heard their songs so much that Beatles lyrics are just as much a common part of my working vocabulary as Seinfeld references.
I visited Boston University this weekend. Their English department has some incredible faculty, and they specialize in historical approaches to literary theory (which I already was somewhat aware of, but had a newfound realization upon speaking with many of the professors and current grad students). I seriously think I would highly benefit from studying there, since they have about four or five professors that I could conceivably envision sitting on my dissertation panel.

And, on top of all that, Boston is fucking sweet.
How does one deal with bands crossing multiple decades? Just when they started/put out their first full-length? Tool would be on my 90s list, along with like... Suffocation or something.

This just in the Onder news: Suffocation will play Obscene Extreme this year. Yay. Along with fucking Drunen Asphyx Deathhammering.
Just came back from my Tower Simulator test which I have to pass or I get kicked out of this training program. I got very stressed halfway through because I forgot the proper terminology for a specific command and everything went to shit after that. The airtraffic just piled up while I'm trying to direct everyone and all the while I have two examiners furiously scribbling notes as I'm fucking it up. In the end I think I managed to do a decent job somehow, but when I asked them if my performance was "passable" they ecstatically told me "of course" which I think is a load of shit. I'll see if I end up back in square one in California come Wednesday! These last couple of days have been very catastrophic, but we get a week-long break on friday, so I will be smoking copious amounts of sticky icky and go snowboarding to compensate.
Wheew I passed. Unfortunately two of my classmates didn't, so they were told to pack their bags and leave. What's even worse is that they were hired by another company for this program; one which requires them to pay the company back several thousands of euros for the expenses they've paid for. Talk about a shitty situation.