New Social Thread

I have something wrong with my ear and I don't really know how to explain it. It sounds like there's a constant wind blowing in my ear. It's giving me a headache and making me feel nauseous and imbalanced.

I don't think you should worry about it, you probably just have too much air in your ears. Have you been running sideways recently? Do you have a vacuum cleaner?
So apparently in case of a zombie apocalypse my team would consist of Tyrion Lannister, Snooki and Harry Potter. My chances to survive are pretty low with those three scumbags.
I thought about switching the dwarf and Potter with Alien and Predator, both on my side. The first briefing would be quite comical. "friends?" *shakeshand*. But I need to keep Snooki to satisfy them. I think she has lower standards then, let's say, Kirsten Dunst who I'm in love with. I shouldn't be selfish during a zombie apocalypse.
I'm taking Gandalf, The Doctor, and Emma Watson. Gandalf for power and zombie-ass kicking, The Doctor so he can break into buildings and safes and steal shit, and Emma so she can cook me food and have sex with me. All three are great for intellectual conversations as well.
I'd want The Punisher, Amber Heard, Rambo, Ivan Drago and Arwen Undómiel.

That's 5, but some lists on blogs have five so it's ok.

The Punisher and Rambo can shoot at them, Ivan can beat them when we run out of Ammo, Amber will get boned to kingdom come. I don't think Arwen can die, so that should help in some way. Rambo can fly a helicopter with us all in it or something, preferably a Mil Mi24 Krokodil or something.
I'm taking Gandalf, The Doctor, and Emma Watson. Gandalf for power and zombie-ass kicking, The Doctor so he can break into buildings and safes and steal shit, and Emma so she can cook me food and have sex with me. All three are great for intellectual conversations as well.

I admit neither alien, predator or snooki are suitable to discuss art and politics over a cup of tea.
Amber might be able to do that. She isn't a character though, so I don't know if she counts. Rambo can be a tea party republican.
My team would be Septimius Severus, Niccolo Machiavelli and The Master.

I say the Master and not the Doctor because I need people who won't feel guilty about committing mass genocide.
I never undertood how Kirsten Dunst was attractive let alone hot. Side note. I probably jerked off to Shania Twain in my teens more than anyone woman. In her prime she's one of the hottest women alive.