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Word from my cousin is that my grandmother, my last surviving grandparent, is likely to be dying (slowly, perhaps, as she's losing weight and not eating). I went to Buffalo back in March and saw her in the nursing home while i was there, but still, damn.
It's really weird. Three of my four grandparents did not exactly go out in pleasant ways. One grandfather had Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, the other broke his hip and started to have slight dementia, and one grandmother had Lou Gehrig's disease (which was probably the worst way to go). My one grandparent still alive, my grandma, drinks scotch and martinis everyday, watches CNBC and Fox News and attends church everyday.

It's really uncanny watching people you've known since childhood whom you loved just...deteriorate. But I suppose it makes things more precious and such.

When my grandfather with Alzheimer's was way gone in his mind, he would wander the halls of my grandparents' house. He was a doctor his whole life, and he would think he was at the hospital looking for his patience. One day, my grandma sat down with him and showed him a picture of him in his thirties. He had his doctor's coat on and pipe in hand. My grandma asked him, "Do you know who that is?" My grandfather paused and said, "That's one sharp lookin dude."

TL;DR Grandparents are awesome. Spend time with them
My uncle (who I just realized is my only uncle that doesn't have cancer - other three uncles have myeloma, oral and prostate cancer) is coming to visit today in his RV. I went to his wife's funeral in October and saw him briefly when my grandmother died in 2003, but that's really it. Will be interesting.
I still have both sides of grandparents, but on my Dad's side, they're around 70 years old and they know much more about computers and the technology surrounding them than me, it's scary that their minds are still very much sane after all they have been through.
I can't believe I'm getting into a debate with someone on Reddit about different methods of opening a banana.
zabu of nΩd;10286629 said:
all they've been through?

Yeah, just crazy shit. Like when Pop (grandpa) was standing next to his brother who accidentally poured boiling water on himself and cooked his brain, stuff like that :s I couldn't live with myself if that happened to me. Oh, and they were only young at the time, like 5-7 years old i think?
I can't believe I'm getting into a debate with someone on Reddit about different methods of opening a banana.

You mean the one way to do it....stem side down.

Yeah, just crazy shit. Like when Pop (grandpa) was standing next to his brother who accidentally poured boiling water on himself and cooked his brain, stuff like that :s I couldn't live with myself if that happened to me. Oh, and they were only young at the time, like 5-7 years old i think?

My Grandmother is my only surviving grandparent. She's 98. Still solid as a rock mentally. Her sight is pretty bad these days though.