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i said Prozac, not Xanax

So are you living off the street yet, or is there intermittent nights in the alley way between hand me offs of your states tax dollars?

Furthermore, have you looked into using the majority of your income towards improving your taste in women by having private coaching with King Richard yet? I have a feeling you would be a far superior person all around if you did.
So are you living off the street yet, or is there intermittent nights in the alley way between hand me offs of your states tax dollars?

Furthermore, have you looked into using the majority of your income towards improving your taste in women by having private coaching with King Richard yet? I have a feeling you would be a far superior person all around if you did.

i'm splitting rent on a place that's so expensive that i wouldn't be able to pay for it by myself

and the King Richard joke is getting a little old
So, last January I moved out of LA and back to Europe since I got hired as a student air traffic controller in what is known as the busiest sector in the world. They've sent me to all kinds of training camps around Europe teaching theory, flying, etc. Finally, for the past 3 months I've been in Luxembourg doing 40 hours a week of tough-as-shit simulator training, dealing with every situation imaginable, from radar failure to planes getting hijacked.

Well, on Monday I got terminated because I was simply behind the course, and they believed I would not be able to catch up. The learning curve was simply too steep for me.

The job was absolutely lovely I must say, or at least the simulator. I was giddy everytime I walked in there, but of course whenever things went south it was quite horrible. The stress level is so incredibly high in this career, even though it's near impossible to make planes crash into each other.

Problem is, now what the fuck am I going to do? I'm currently sheltering at my mothers house in Switzerland and trying to replan my life. Maybe I'll move back to LA and restart my lustrous career as a warehouse employee :lol:
So after a year of working at the same place and getting screwed out of a raise when I was promoted/moved to a new role previously, I am now finally on payroll (not on contract), with a raise, and benefits.

It's still not a whole lot ($30k including the benefits package) but it is moving up in the world, if only slightly (I am 26, and have been out of school for just over a year now).

This job though, I don't know. There are so many different projects I need to keep tabs on, yet the company is completely disorganized. I'm the type of person that needs some structure and the expectations about what I'm to accomplish need to be clear. I hate being micromanaged, but I've also learned that it's tough for me to flourish under completely chaotic conditions where expectations change/projects change almost every week.

I'm also questioning my career choice in publishing. It's an exciting time what with the rise of ebooks, but that hasn't translated into an innately satisfying job. I love books, but the job (and most of the jobs in the industry beside those few editorial jobs) just ends up being a dull office affair. </eeyore>
So for the first time in my life today I broke down sobbing, uncontrollably, for a good 45 minutes. It happened after I popped a Klonopin and started reading Plotinus.

As a classicist, I should have taken greater heed every time I saw the word pharmakon, such as the drugs Circe used to turn Odysseus' men into pigs, or the pharmakon of the art of writing that Thoth gave to the Pharaoh in the story told in Plato's Phaedrus.

Never has a more incompatible union occurred than that between psyche (soul/mind) and iatros (doctor). Psychiatrists will throw whatever drugs at you they can without remotely understanding your problems, especially when those problems are self-induced illusions.

The poison cannot be the antidote in this situation. The THC that plunged me into cognitive chaos cannot be returned to an ordered cosmos by the infusion of SSRI's and benzo's. In fact, the ADHD med's I was put on in addition have done nothing but drive my anxiety through the roof. I'm reducing the dose, but may switch to Ritalin since my research finds much less of a correlation between Ritalin and anxiety (where as the inverse is true with Concerta). If that doesn't work, it's time I take you guys' advice, man up, and deal with it on my own.

I have evidence that getting off the meds may work. Two weekends ago I visited Schmidt and Bleull, in a brief interval between stopping an SSRI and starting the Concerta. Those two will recall how much of a philosopher they called me that weekend. The social stimulation, the alcoholic lubrication, and the absence of medication were the cause of that.
When I took concerta I had awful anxiety issues. Stopped taking anything, still had adhd issues but now I just deal with it as best as I can. Didn't try ritalin or anything else, but just stopping meds worked for me.

However, I was 13 at the time. Age might be an issue.
Never has a more incompatible union occurred than that between psyche (soul/mind) and iatros (doctor). Psychiatrists will throw whatever drugs at you they can without remotely understanding your problems, especially when those problems are self-induced illusions.

The poison cannot be the antidote in this situation. The THC that plunged me into cognitive chaos cannot be returned to an ordered cosmos by the infusion of SSRI's and benzo's. In fact, the ADHD med's I was put on in addition have done nothing but drive my anxiety through the roof. I'm reducing the dose, but may switch to Ritalin since my research finds much less of a correlation between Ritalin and anxiety (where as the inverse is true with Concerta). If that doesn't work, it's time I take you guys' advice, man up, and deal with it on my own.

Agreed on all counts.
I need an eventful, funny, action-packed, introspective, life-changing adventure like Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. I'll put up a craigslist ad or something.