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It's a bit presumptuous of you to assume that your modern reception of the text implies some substantial lack or fault in its conception.

I think too much importance is placed on older works (not just Lit) purely because it was extremely difficult to create and preserve in centuries past. We can appreciate the amount of effort, and account for the times, without appreciating the content itself. Some things stand the test of time, and some things simply age poorly.
I think too much importance is placed on older works (not just Lit) purely because it was extremely difficult to create and preserve in centuries past. We can appreciate the amount of effort, and account for the times, without appreciating the content itself. Some things stand the test of time, and some things simply age poorly.

Except those aren't the reasons (or, at least, aren't the only reasons) why Chaucer's Canterbury Tales are considered important today. Do you think that reasons are concocted out of thin air to justify its continued reference in literary circles? Have you read any of the secondary literature written about Chaucer? Because before you consign it to the file for "difficult, boring works by stingy old men" you should spend more time looking at what other people have written about it. It's still one of the most studied works of English literature; not because people feel they should, but because they're continually finding interesting things to say.

what's not to love about stories where people get their faces farted on and have copious amounts of sex?

And this is clearly the most important reason as to its continued study. :cool:
It's still one of the most studied works of English literature; not because people feel they should, but because they're continually finding interesting things to say.

I guess that's why you're a lit major and I'm not :cool:. I'm sure I wouldn't find anything written about TCT interesting either.
I remember Monoxide Child. I did not miss Monoxide Child.

Btw, SatansToeNail, the other day I was at my favorite local used CD store and they had a Car Bomb cd (Centralia) in the bargain bin and I bought it entirely based on your praise of said band and so far it's kind of shit. Just saying.
Btw, SatansToeNail, the other day I was at my favorite local used CD store and they had a Car Bomb cd (Centralia) in the bargain bin and I bought it entirely based on your praise of said band and so far it's kind of shit. Just saying.

Don't you like power metal and shit? Why would you buy something based on my recommendation?
So after a couple weeks where I thought I was beginning to work my way out of this hell, over the past week I've lapsed back into an utter abyss of depression, anxiety and cognitive shut-down. I went from antidepressants that were turning me into a zombie to taking ADHD stimulants that made my anxiety skyrocket. And without either I'm just a complete wreck, barely functional, sometimes almost catatonic. It's gotten so bad that I'm having constant headaches and any form of informational input is extremely agitating. Distracting myself from feeding this utter despair is almost painful. Typing this is painful. I barely even have thoughts now, and when I do have they are fleeting and shallow and they come and go as if I never thought them at all. It's painful to be conscious right now.

I exercise every day, I eat well, and I have goals. But it's becoming increasingly difficult. I'm starved for energy and feel like a lump of dead matter.
I still think you might be fretting about your condition perhaps too much. Obviously I don't know the full situation, but again, the stuff you've written on your blog is of the same quality from before you started feeling this way. Perhaps if you were to be more positive in your outlook, you'd be less anxious about it.
I still think you might be fretting about your condition perhaps too much. Obviously I don't know the full situation, but again, the stuff you've written on your blog is of the same quality from before you started feeling this way. Perhaps if you were to be more positive in your outlook, you'd be less anxious about it.

Blog posts result from when I have some moments of lucidity (most recent one was from Thursday before things really nosedived), though they are the product mostly of streams of consciousness and the ones from the past certainly contain more depth and deliberation.

I gave in to temptation and popped one of the Xanax's that my father left me, and it calmed me down a lot, to the point where I actually could do some reading and enjoy it. But I'm really apprehensive about benzo's, since long-term use apparently correlates to cognitive deficits. Still, when anxiety is so bad that my brain implodes, that alternative could be the lesser evil.

This whole thing goes in booms and busts, I suppose, and I need more patience to weather the storms instead of thinking I'm permanently fucked.
I gave in to temptation and popped one of the Xanax's that my father left me, and it calmed me down a lot, to the point where I actually could do some reading and enjoy it. But I'm really apprehensive about benzo's, since long-term use apparently correlates to cognitive deficits. Still, when anxiety is so bad that my brain implodes, that alternative could be the lesser evil.

my mom was on Xanax my entire life
if you take it several times a day, every day of the year...
then, yeah, you have a "drug problem",
but if you're having panic attacks or something where the Xanax is actually helping you
then you should just go ahead and use the pills when you feel like you need them
the thing you want to avoid is having a schedule, like "taking a pill every day with lunch" or something like that
just take a pill when you feel like ripping someones head of and you'll be fine