New Social Thread

I'll settle for the part where Malin Åkerman flashes her ta-ta's.

for me Malin Akerman's boobs are too small

boobs are supposed to completely totally change shape when a woman puts on/takes off her bra

in highschool we to learn this in both biology class and history class
Looks like I'm going to Buffalo next month. The abstract for my conference paper was accepted!

Only problem now is that now I'm freaking out and my anxiety is skyrocketing over it.
Looks like I'm going to Buffalo next month. The abstract for my conference paper was accepted!

Only problem now is that now I'm freaking out and my anxiety is skyrocketing over it.

"I'm a complete wreck and I'll never be successful at anything"

*is successful*

"I'm even more of a complete wreck now because I failed at predicting a failure!"

Seriously dude. Stop approaching everything as an epic event, it will simplify your life. This is just another event in the continuum of your life.
Looks like a drummer I work with, one of the top guitarists in town, and my leadguitarists from my powermetal band wants to start a band.
Cover songs like Judas Priest "victim of changes"
Rush 2112
Hammerfall "let the hammer fall"
Yngwie "I'll see the lights tonight"
Iron Maiden "aces high"

and a couple of our originals
Im about to sing the piss out of these songs!
Seriously dude. Stop approaching everything as an epic event, it will simplify your life. This is just another event in the continuum of your life.

This. Seriously. Stop being an idiot and take things slowly. If you're being anxious and having panic attacks from this, then what the hell are you going to do when you live in another country all alone for job purposes. I'm sure you'll die from your anxiety.
"I'm a complete wreck and I'll never be successful at anything"

*is successful*

"I'm even more of a complete wreck now because I failed at predicting a failure!"

Seriously dude. Stop approaching everything as an epic event, it will simplify your life. This is just another event in the continuum of your life.

This. Seriously. Stop being an idiot and take things slowly. If you're being anxious and having panic attacks from this, then what the hell are you going to do when you live in another country all alone for job purposes. I'm sure you'll die from your anxiety.

You guys need to stop being so insensitive and let the professionals handle passing out meds like candy.
Eat lots of wings. Wings fix all your problems.

What sevag said. For a guy who hates me, we sure have the same thought process!
what happened to your Klonopin pills??

They dumb me down and make me feel depressed. It's like using chemotherapy to kill a cancer, only the cancer is anxiety, apparently.

Are you presenting at SUNY Buffalo?

Yes. October 19th-20th.

I think you guys are still seeing this whole issue as emotional and something I can just man up and deal with. Trust me I do that every day. I want to travel and do so much. The problem is my brain is not functioning the way it used to, and that's existentially terrifying every day I'm sitting in class or in front of computer trying to do the things that used to be so enjoyable, but are now frustrating.

Going through this gauntlet of different drug regimens has made me unstable and paranoid, but now I'm off everything but the ADHD meds, though I'm not sure how much they're helping or hurting. I haven't been sleeping well because anxiety has been fucking up my brain that much.

Sorry I come across as whiny but I post here to get lay opinions for things I tend not to think critically about, since I've never been through shit like this before.
They dumb me down and make me feel depressed. It's like using chemotherapy to kill a cancer, only the cancer is anxiety, apparently.

You don't have anything close to / comparable to / IN ANY WAY reminiscent of cancer tbh. Your "pills" and "illness" is nothing like chems and real diseases. You're just a sad homo. I think the first step to retrieve your mental health is to realize that.
I think you guys are still seeing this whole issue as emotional and something I can just man up and deal with. Trust me I do that every day. I want to travel and do so much. The problem is my brain is not functioning the way it used to, and that's existentially terrifying every day I'm sitting in class or in front of computer trying to do the things that used to be so enjoyable, but are now frustrating.

Not at all. Backing up, I'll explain a little. I take a very holistic view of mental and physical health. I also eschew the contemporary "instafix" mentality. Whatever is causing this decline and subsequent frustration (or maybe vice versa) did not happen over night, and it most likely cannot be resolved overnight.

I've had days where I was mildly depressed or frustrated, and upon realizing it, I recognized it, labeled it, and tried to set the feeling apart from myself and immediately fight against it. Self awareness is extremely important for problems like this. This does not mean I immediately began to receive enjoyment for whatever I chose to do to fight the boredom. Sometimes I simply took a nap. The point is to recognize that the problem is temporary, something apart from you, and fixable (but not necessarily immediately).

Obviously you are still performing on a level many would be happy with or you wouldn't have had some recent success. Take a level of solace in that.

Going through this gauntlet of different drug regimens has made me unstable and paranoid, but now I'm off everything but the ADHD meds, though I'm not sure how much they're helping or hurting. I haven't been sleeping well because anxiety has been fucking up my brain that much.

Sorry I come across as whiny but I post here to get lay opinions for things I tend not to think critically about, since I've never been through shit like this before.

I know this approach receives ridicule, but it has great truth: You didn't start having problems due to a deficiency in x_drug. I think you know that, but sometimes things need to just be laid out clearly. Our mental health is more dependent on our physical health than we often like to acknowledge, as well as dependent on a number of more abstract factors like relationships and perceived "achievement", life direction, etc.
You have a big presentation. Are you sure you're not just experiencing SITUATIONAL, temporary anxiety? What if you just had to go to work, push some paper, and then go home and chill with zero deadlines?
It would normally be situational if it didn't occur within the context of the past month or so of me overreacting to some temporary maladjustment by trying to throw chemicals at my romantically high expectations of myself, failing to attain which has triggered a mental crisis of sorts. I don't give myself enough credit for what I achieve, and being thrown into a new program in which I am now lowest on the totem pole has been a major blow to an ego delusively nurtured by three years of being the flower of the Maine's public education system.

But I'm just babbling now. Back to work I go.
being thrown into a new program in which I am now lowest on the totem pole has been a major blow to an ego delusively nurtured by three years of being the flower of the Maine's public education system.

I don't believe you are suffering from anything other than "culture shock."
They dumb me down and make me feel depressed. It's like using chemotherapy to kill a cancer, only the cancer is anxiety, apparently.

for almost eveyone with anxiety/panic attacks benzos work
but only if used at the right dosage
if you take a pill that's too small, it won't do anything
if you take a pill that's too large, it puts you to sleep
if you take it every day you build up a tolerance to it's effect
and you'll need to start taking the larger doses to get the same effect

if they make you "dumb down and feel depressed" you might just simply be taking a dosage that's too large, you might need to see if you can get it in a smaller pill
the "dumbing down and feeling depressed" might also be an accululative effect of taking it every day, instead of only just when you feel a panic attack coming

if the Klonopin is flat-out not helping, you might want to try a different pill
but you might want to try to adjust the dosage and try to get the Klonopin to work first