New Social Thread


So I live in this apartment in Tempe, AZ but I've been chilling at my mom's house for the past few days because it's spring break and I don't really like being at my apartment. I have a roommate and he is a bit weird. Well, today I may have found out just how weird he really is. When I first moved in there he had just gotten laid off from his job and was living off a severance package and doing freelance work to help pay the bills. During the past month or so he has degenerated into a mere shadow of his former self. He no longer job hunts. Instead he sits around the apartment all day and all night playing video games and watching movies, and looking sort of angry all the time. He is also black.

Well, today I decided to go back to my apartment to inform him that I was going to move out in mid-April. I walk in and he's not there, which is a bit surprising because he's almost always there (playing video games and watching movies, of course). I walk into my room and notice something weird. There is a cassette tape lying on the ground. Turns out it's one of the tapes in my collection, but I haven't taken those out in ages, so I was puzzled as to why it was out of its case. Then I thought to myself "Hmmm, my room seems a bit emptier than usual." Then I realize my FUCKING STEREO IS GONE. Not only that but there were some really good CDs in there that whoever stole it did not bother to leave behind.

Anyway, I start walking around the apartment to see if anything else is missing. Nothing else was missing except for my roommate's PS2 and a chair and table that used to be on the balcony. Then shortly thereafter I notice that none of the lights are coming on. The power is out, and it's only out in our apartment (I confirmed this later.) I also checked the refrigerator and it was completely warm and had a nasty smell. All my food in the freezer was completely thawed out and warm. So I am guessing the power has been out for at least a couple days.

Well, here's my theory. My roommate flipped out, is delinquent on some payment and decided to hock some of his and my own possessions. I think it was him because there was no sign of break in at my apartment, and if somebody were to rob the place, why would they leave so much other valuable shit behind when they could've easily spared a minute to take it? There are too many fishy things about this whole situation. The apartment felt like it hadn't been inhabited for a while. There was a huge dead cockroach on the ground, which would not be there if the place were inhabited, because we both keep the place pretty damn clean and would've noticed such a thing (by the way, my biggest fear in life is large sewer cockroaches.) I don't know what this guy's deal is, but if he actually did it, I don't know what he expects me to do or think. I'm not sure I want to confront him, at least not by myself, because I don't know what kind of state of mind he's in. I don't even know if or when he's going to return to the apartment. I went back a couple hours later today to see if he was there and he still was not there and that is strange because he hardly ever goes outside and when he does he's never gone for even an hour at a time.

Well, I basically packed up all my shit besides my bed and left the place. I'm moving back into my mom's house immediately. I just need to go back and get my bed. I pay month to month so I have no commitment to the place at all. But seriously, if he actually did this what a fucking weirdo, right?

You know what hurts the most? The reason I think that tape was lying there was that whoever stole my stereo was testing out the tape player, but the tape they used was fucking No Prayer for the Dying by Iron Maiden. Seriously? He couldn't at least throw Powerslave up in that baby?
That's some crazy shit, is he ignoring your phone calls? If you're going to confront him about this I suggest you carry a switchblade or something just in case..of course just for fear tactics, don't actually stab him

Or you could just call the cops, but you don't know the full story yet so it's a bad option for now
Actually, I don't even have his phone number. I forgot to save it in my phone back when I first met him and I've never needed to call him since then. I'm going to call the landlord tomorrow and get some information from him.
Wow, that is some creepy shit dude. I guess all you can do is get all your stuff out of the apt. and try to get in touch with him somehow, then report him to the police if you have no luck. Sounds like your landlord might want to report him as well.
That sucks Cyth. Sounds pretty similar to a lot of my brother's room-mate horror stories. Then again, maybe he went to UM and saw all the times you posted "my pals" ;)
God damn, if someone stole my stereo I'd be so pissed.

I'm not sure if you want to go through the hassle of filing a police report, but if he did intentionally steal your shit he'll probably do all he can to avoid you. He might pick up the first time you call, but from then on he'll just screen you.

EDIT: and like Grant said, your landlord will likely want to report him, especially if he stole apartment furniture.
Yeah good point about the possibility of call screening. If you manage to get him on the phone, try to get as much personal info from him as possible before the conversation ends - it may be your only chance. :lol:
So I think Melbourne, Australia has moved to the top of my "places to try to immigrate to" list. Even if the public transport is as bad as STN says it is, it seems to have most everything else going for it.

What sucks is that the immigration site says I have to take a skill assessment before I can apply for a work visa, and the fee for the assessment is $400.00 AUD. That's fucking nuts, especially if there's a chance that my visa app won't even be successful. Is that really what the majority of Australia's 100K+/year of immigrants go through? The government must be making a killing off that shit.
Hello, I'm here for one of my sporadic visits. :) I just came back from Spring Break where we had to leave a few hours earlier in the middle of the night in East Tennessee because of me. For some reason I flushed the toilet and I went in the other room and then I found it was flowing water everywhere and I'm sure ruined the hotel's carpet and also had a couple of inches of water in the bathroom. I woke my Dad up and he said "Oh My GOD! You ruined this thousand dollar carpet. You're so fucking stupid". So he shut the water off which I didn't know how to do and the water leaked out through the lights on the people below us. They said "The light was pissing on us", and they were very mad. So it was up to my Dad to keep from us getting assaulted so he turned the people below us against the hotel. We woke up the hotel manager in the middle of the night and when he saw what happened he said "Oh, SHIT!" and he called his manager and said he never saw anything like it before. So we left after all of this and my Dad and sister were very mad and they said I was immature and that I shouldn't go to Spain for a month this summer. I may've cost the hotel 20-30K and they may shut down. lol My Dad said he if he gets a check in the mail over it or gets sued he's going to fall out.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this situation.
Hello, I'm here for one of my sporadic visits. :) I just came back from Spring Break where we had to leave a few hours earlier in the middle of the night in East Tennessee because of me. For some reason I flushed the toilet and I went in the other room and then I found it was flowing water everywhere and I'm sure ruined the hotel's carpet and also had a couple of inches of water in the bathroom. I woke my Dad up and he said "Oh My GOD! You ruined this thousand dollar carpet. You're so fucking stupid". So he shut the water off which I didn't know how to do and the water leaked out through the lights on the people below us. They said "The light was pissing on us", and they were very mad. So it was up to my Dad to keep from us getting assaulted so he turned the people below us against the hotel. We woke up the hotel manager in the middle of the night and when he saw what happened he said "Oh, SHIT!" and he called his manager and said he never saw anything like it before. So we left after all of this and my Dad and sister were very mad and they said I was immature and that I shouldn't go to Spain for a month this summer. I may've cost the hotel 20-30K and they may shut down. lol My Dad said he if he gets a check in the mail over it or gets sued he's going to fall out.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this situation.


Jesus christ, I haven't laughed this hard in months.
Grant, I am not sure why you want to go to a country with debt problems nearly as bad as the US.

Whenever I move from the US it will be to a developing nationwhere the manufacturing base has moved. All the world is being driven into "2nd World" status anyway, better to go somewhere where that is an improvement as opposed to a country where that is a downgrade. People around you will be happier about the change.
Grant, I am not sure why you want to go to a country with debt problems nearly as bad as the US.

Economy of Australia said:
Public debt federal public net debt = 0 (2007-8)
Revenues A$319.46 billion (2008-2009)
Expenses A$292.47 billion (2008-2009)

What - in the hell - are you talking about.
Hello, I'm here for one of my sporadic visits. :) I just came back from Spring Break where we had to leave a few hours earlier in the middle of the night in East Tennessee because of me. For some reason I flushed the toilet and I went in the other room and then I found it was flowing water everywhere and I'm sure ruined the hotel's carpet and also had a couple of inches of water in the bathroom. I woke my Dad up and he said "Oh My GOD! You ruined this thousand dollar carpet. You're so fucking stupid". So he shut the water off which I didn't know how to do and the water leaked out through the lights on the people below us. They said "The light was pissing on us", and they were very mad. So it was up to my Dad to keep from us getting assaulted so he turned the people below us against the hotel. We woke up the hotel manager in the middle of the night and when he saw what happened he said "Oh, SHIT!" and he called his manager and said he never saw anything like it before. So we left after all of this and my Dad and sister were very mad and they said I was immature and that I shouldn't go to Spain for a month this summer. I may've cost the hotel 20-30K and they may shut down. lol My Dad said he if he gets a check in the mail over it or gets sued he's going to fall out.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this situation.

I'd laugh. No use crying over spilt toilet.

What - in the hell - are you talking about.

It's the Down Under. You have to negate everything.
What - in the hell - are you talking about.

I don't know where you pulled those numbers. I pulled this article from a article in the Sydney Morning Herald in Feb 2009:

When it comes to indebtedness, on Keen's numbers Australia ranks third behind the UK (with household debt to GDP at an astounding 240%) and the US (180%). Australia's ratio has come back to 174.2% now. It is still way too high.

Edit: Should have been looking at sovereign debt:

Australia's sovereign debt, at 15.9 percent of GDP, is relatively small compared to levels of 20.2 percent in China, 83.9 percent in the United States and 81.8 percent in the European Union, according to the OECD.

I guess private debt is a much bigger problem than private debt, but that is still a huge problem. 68% of the GDP is service based, not a strong economy.
Cyth: Just because he's black doesn't mean he stole your stuff. Way to be racist.

jk Hope you get your stuff back. Good thing you were on a month to month.

Derek: Why are people getting mad at you because a toilet overflowed? It's not like you planned it or had any control over it.