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I don't know where you pulled those numbers. I pulled this article from a article in the Sydney Morning Herald in Feb 2009:

Ok, so I guess the federal debt figure is completely misleading.

At any rate, they at least have a fairly functional government and a good standard of living (for now), which is more than a lot of people in the U.S. can say. It seems a little silly to move to an undeveloped country on the assumption that the developed world will "catch up" some day.
Hello, I'm here for one of my sporadic visits. :) I just came back from Spring Break where we had to leave a few hours earlier in the middle of the night in East Tennessee because of me. For some reason I flushed the toilet and I went in the other room and then I found it was flowing water everywhere and I'm sure ruined the hotel's carpet and also had a couple of inches of water in the bathroom. I woke my Dad up and he said "Oh My GOD! You ruined this thousand dollar carpet. You're so fucking stupid". So he shut the water off which I didn't know how to do and the water leaked out through the lights on the people below us. They said "The light was pissing on us", and they were very mad. So it was up to my Dad to keep from us getting assaulted so he turned the people below us against the hotel. We woke up the hotel manager in the middle of the night and when he saw what happened he said "Oh, SHIT!" and he called his manager and said he never saw anything like it before. So we left after all of this and my Dad and sister were very mad and they said I was immature and that I shouldn't go to Spain for a month this summer. I may've cost the hotel 20-30K and they may shut down. lol My Dad said he if he gets a check in the mail over it or gets sued he's going to fall out.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this situation.

:lol: Wow.

My first reaction to waking up to that would be to jump into the air and yell "FUCK YEAH SEAKING!"

What exactly did you do to flood the toilet like that?
Ok, so I guess the federal debt figure is completely misleading.

At any rate, they at least have a fairly functional government and a good standard of living (for now), which is more than a lot of people in the U.S. can say. It seems a little silly to move to an undeveloped country on the assumption that the developed world will "catch up" some day.

Well not that developed countries will become totally undeveloped, just that 1st and 3rd world countries will meet in the middle. The difference will be happiness in the previously 3rd world countries and general unrest in the previously 1st world countries. I would prefer to find a current 2nd world country that will see as little instability as possible during the world economic fluctuations.
So I think Melbourne, Australia has moved to the top of my "places to try to immigrate to" list. Even if the public transport is as bad as STN says it is, it seems to have most everything else going for it.

What sucks is that the immigration site says I have to take a skill assessment before I can apply for a work visa, and the fee for the assessment is $400.00 AUD. That's fucking nuts, especially if there's a chance that my visa app won't even be successful. Is that really what the majority of Australia's 100K+/year of immigrants go through? The government must be making a killing off that shit.

cool dude, good luck. I am currently torn between moving to Tokyo or NY. Two extremely expensive cities. Major decisions like this bother me

Anyone seen this? Pretty much what you do is type in text and it gives you an image and puts the text on it.


Well not that developed countries will become totally undeveloped, just that 1st and 3rd world countries will meet in the middle. The difference will be happiness in the previously 3rd world countries and general unrest in the previously 1st world countries. I would prefer to find a current 2nd world country that will see as little instability as possible during the world economic fluctuations.
Hey remember when you thought the flu vaccine was going to cause a huge epidemic?
Hey remember when you thought the flu vaccine was going to cause a huge epidemic?

Well since massive amounts of people didn't get the vaccine, and the flu itself turned out to be more benign than even I expected, fortunately that didn't happen.

Edit: Besides, economics is easier to trend than lab created disease effects/effects of untested vaccine capabilities.
Cyth: Just because he's black doesn't mean he stole your stuff. Way to be racist.

jk Hope you get your stuff back. Good thing you were on a month to month.

Derek: Why are people getting mad at you because a toilet overflowed? It's not like you planned it or had any control over it.
Because it was a big deal.. Toilet water was leaking out of light fixtures on the people in the room below us and they were pissed. I may've cost my Dad 20-30K over this, the carpet in the room is ruined, the ceiling is probably going to fall in, new electrical appliances will be needed, new bed arrangements, etc... That and my family are a bunch of hotheads anyways, especially my Dad. It was a big ordeal in a hotel with 5 people staying there, it caused the hotel manager to wake uo in the middle of the night, really a big mess overall.
Pffff, the hotel should be insured, plus all you did was flush a toilet right? You can hardly be blamed for that, especially when there were probably THOUSANDS of occupants in that room prior to your arrival that could have fucked something up (if the problem could even be blamed on a person, and not faulty installation).
Pffff, the hotel should be insured, plus all you did was flush a toilet right? You can hardly be blamed for that, especially when there were probably THOUSANDS of occupants in that room prior to your arrival that could have fucked something up (if the problem could even be blamed on a person, and not faulty installation).

^That's exactly what my Grandma said. She said the place should have insurance. The place is an old building and apparently barely attracts customers so I don't know their financial or insurance situation. It's just a two story hotel.
Holy shit, what a situation! I agree with pessimism, you and your family should not be held liable for any of this. You did nothing wrong, assuming you didn't take the world's largest dump or do something else to fuck up the toilet. If anything it's the hotel's fault for not maintaining their shitters.
I am happy as a clam. I got a new puppy today, lost 9 pounds, and I let this guy situation go. But just a few days ago I met this really rad guy. He approached me, we have been talking non stop, and it looks good to me. I just got to be patient. And he makes me feel really good about myself, which is hard for people to do, but hey, this seems to be good so far.
Aren't you under 20 stephani? If so, I wouldn't be worrying all that much about guy issues. Most guys at 20 are irresponsible, immature douchebags anyway. Go knock out college or something and maybe by the time you are a college senior you might start meeting mature guys.