I am, a year younger than 20. Well, I will be 19 in about 5 months. Alright, I guess. Thanks. It's not that I am putting everything off for guys, I actually complete my work and since I do, I wonder what my life would be life if I change it. Like, obtain a job and have a boyfriend. So since I have school under control now, I was going to just add some things in my life I want. And by the time I am in college (which won't be until the Fall) and things don't work out, I will focus on me. Yeah, this guy is 22 (probably turning 23 sometime), but I am just trying to make my life happier and what I want to be. I can see what you say though. A lot of guy are very immature and just as immature as the ones younger than them. But, everyone is not immature. So far this guys seems very respectable, mature, and down to Earth. Unless, that is just all a play to make me dig him. I don't know.