New Social Thread

Doormen are just loser assholes who couldn't get through police school. Seriously, what sympathetic person would ever want to become a doorman.

So I just came home from getting kicked out of a club after my friend got wrongfully kicked out of a club we were be honest we are lucky we didn't get arrested because my friend attacked the bouncer after he was shoved down on the ground..but they were at fault so whatever the fuck..kinda mad and pissed but life goes on...fucking rent-a-cops feeling like big poppas tho..cocksuckers the bunch of em


Yeah, fuck doormen.
<cassius_clay13> so I was with my friend bryan the other night in a bar
<cassius_clay13> well he got really drunk and said he was gonna puke
<cassius_clay13> so i helped him walk to the toilet
<cassius_clay13> all the stalls were occupied
<emoti_conartist> lol
<cassius_clay13> bryan is a rugby player... so a big guy
<cassius_clay13> so he fucking KICKS one of the stall doors open
<cassius_clay13> and there's this guy in there taking a shit
<emoti_conartist> hahahahahaha
<cassius_clay13> and bryan throws up ALL OVER HIM
<cassius_clay13> then (this is genius) bryan thinks 'oh shit... if i were taking a shit and someone came in and was sick all over me, i'd want to fuck him up... so i'd better hit him first'
<cassius_clay13> so he fucking SMACKS this guy in the face
<cassius_clay13> and runs away
<cassius_clay13> imagine being that guy... WORST NIGHT OUT EVER
My guess is he was constipated for a week and finally an epic sized turd came out.

After all that talk of gaining muscle I'd have to say he's taking steroids. It explains why the hotel was damaged. Roid rage.
since it didn't get acknowledged in the school thread, check out this rejection email I got the other day in regards to the paper I wrote on House of Leaves:

Dear Mr. Koger:

The editors of Critique have carefully reviewed your manuscript # 42-10-010 titled "A House of One's Own: Third Spaces and Liminality in Gender and Sexuality in Mark Z. Danielewski's <i>House of Leaves</i>" and have concluded they cannot accept it for publication. The comments on which this decision was based are at the bottom of this letter. We appreciate your interest in Critique and hope the outcome of this specific submission will not discourage you from submitting future manuscripts.

Kevin Swanson
for the Executive Editors of Critique
(guy's email address)

Reviewer's Comments to Author
Consulting Editor/Reviewer: 1
Comments to the Author
The essay largely proceeds by way of character analysis, each character evaluated to the degree that it represents ego, superego, and id. Unfortunately, this is not an especially sophisticated approach. In addition, the essay is poorly written. It is filled with grand generalizations--"On college campuses acorss the nation, possibly across the world," "Always reflecting society, literature is also changing"--and the secondary sources are not gracefully integrated. There also is too much reliance on plot.

Sometimes an essay should not be submitted for publication, and I'm sorry to say that this is one such case. Perhaps at a later date, when the author has had time to develop his skills more, he can return to this essay for possible revision. But at the moment, my suggestion would be for him not to send the essay out elsewhere for publication.

Executive Editor
Comments to the Author:
The Executive Editor agrees with the Consulting Editor. Although "House of Leaves" is an important and intriguing novel, this essay about it is not ready for publication. Page 4 is an illustration of stylistic problems throughout: repetition of Karen as former model, beautiful, etc. The essay relies on too many broad generalizations such as "male patriarchy system of controlling women in society." As the author notes, not many essays have been published on Danielewski, but we still need to know why, in the context of those essays that have been published, this particular essay merits attention. Finally, Danielewski has given a few interviews; does he comment on the issues raised in this essay?

:lol: it's like I fucking offended them. I forwarded the email to my professor I wrote the paper for (who thought the paper was phenomenal)

also, I will agree with them on the grand sweeping generalizations in some bits. but whatever
:lol: it's like I fucking offended them. I forwarded the email to my professor I wrote the paper for (who thought the paper was phenomenal)

I must say that comes across a bit ironic after what you said about your professor being the only one in your school with any academic integrity left or some such.
I must say that comes across a bit ironic after what you said about your professor being the only one in your school with any academic integrity left or some such.

I think that may have been a different professor I was referring to.

at any rate, I thought the letter was hilarious and am now tempted to send the paper out en masse to see if it'll get published just out of spite

on a side note, I went to a wedding in texas this weekend. it was really nice. it was my first big wedding I had been to. The service was very traditional and nothing flashy because all the money went into the reception. the reception was really cool. Open bar rocked. food was good. cake was good. DJ was shit but whatever. It was nice seeing some of my friends there that I hadn't seen in a few years. It also gave me an excuse to dust off my suit:

visual proof of me in a suit:
I think that may have been a different professor I was referring to.

at any rate, I thought the letter was hilarious and am now tempted to send the paper out en masse to see if it'll get published just out of spite

on a side note, I went to a wedding in texas this weekend. it was really nice. it was my first big wedding I had been to. The service was very traditional and nothing flashy because all the money went into the reception. the reception was really cool. Open bar rocked. food was good. cake was good. DJ was shit but whatever. It was nice seeing some of my friends there that I hadn't seen in a few years. It also gave me an excuse to dust off my suit:

visual proof of me in a suit:

Visual proof ov a king without a crown?

thanks, eligos. it was expensive, so I'm glad I wasn't the one who paid for it haha.

and goddammit, no matter what I do, people always think I'm jewish. when I had my long curly hair, people thought I was a jew. I shave it off, people still think I'm a jew.

not that there's anything wrong with that!
Make sure to wipe the semen off your chin before you go in.

That is to say, good luck. What are you interviewing for?