New Social Thread

Being fat and annoying?

I already have the annoying part down (I think, I don't find myself to e, but I know everyone else does) and I used to be fat around 12-13, but I have bslimmed down and have had my fair share of struggle and victory to keep myself at a certain weight. But, I guess if I was going to get his job, I could consider going back to those days. And also dying my hair back to bleach blonde. I never once wore sunglasses on the back of my head. Never. So, I guess I could kind of relate to him in a way.

Srontgorrth, you got that right. Delicious food. They were in Cleveland, Ohio and showed this really awesome Mexican restuarant, I am going to go there sometime next week. I don't even care about the money part. Food is good.
Destroyed is a great word. Not "dealt with" or "brought to justice" or even "eliminated" or "killed." Destroyed. As in, we'll set the fucking body on fire. And rape the ashes.

The scariest thing I can think of right now is a KGB guy telling me I'm going to be liquidated, because I know he means actual liquid.
Don't mess with Mother Russia, yo.:kickass:
We'll make cards out of your skin and play Durak all night.Or Preference, depending on the level of drunkenness and number of skinners on the job.

In Soviet Russia chicken skins you.:erk:
Think pink.
Pink think.
Pink thing?

I have no idea what you are talking about, not at all. Thank you for confusing as soon as I wake up from a nap though and sit on the computer. Awesome.

It's tool time though. I hate Tim Allen and I have no idea why Home Improvement is on at my house.
YO DAWG we heard ya like easters so we rose you a jesus from the dead so you can pray while you pray