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That is where I am about to go, our community college. They have partnerships with certain Universities, but since I am starting my career search all over, I am not sure if anything is right anymore. Does, your college have partnerships?
Yeah, with Indiana State, IU, Purdue, Ball State, and IUPUI.

If I were you, I'd get my liberal arts degree at a community college first, which will give you about a two year cushion to figure out what you want to major in. That is unless you want an associate degree in some technical field.
Awesome. We have a few ourself. Some, I don't care for because I just don't like the school.
No, no technical field for me. I think that would be the best thing for aswell. Thanks. This makes me feel somewhat better about my situattion. I just don't want to do something I am gong to regret and not enjoy.
Yeah, with Indiana State, IU, Purdue, Ball State, and IUPUI.

If I were you, I'd get my liberal arts degree at a community college first, which will give you about a two year cushion to figure out what you want to major in. That is unless you want an associate degree in some technical field.

This. It will save you a shitload of money.
@Steph, just take gen ed classes your first semester or two, take a science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Astronomy, Geology and others I'm forgetting), English 101 (or whatever the entry level class is), a US history class, and then something else like Psychology or Sociology, or a language.
Not only that, but since your local community college is partnered with the university, you're taking the same classes just for half the price. Most of my professors to date were IUPUI professors.
I chose my major (History) based on what I was interested in. People with boring, soul crushing majors always ask "what are you going to do with that", but I think that's the wrong question to ask. A better question is "what will I succeed in the most" and for me that is what interests me the most. Personally I know I would not be doing as well in school and my life would be worse if I was not studying something interesting.
Not only that, but since your local community college is partnered with the university, you're taking the same classes just for half the price. Most of my professors to date were IUPUI professors.

Yeah, just like here at the College of Southern Nevada/UNLV. Last semester 3 out of 4 teachers held doctorates, but this semester its 1 out of 4.

And make sure you use the ratemyprofessors website too Stephanie.
Study what you like but it is advisable to stay within widely accepted majors. In many circumstances, getting a job isn't about what you majored in but where you went to school, who you know, how well you interview, how attractive/sociable you are, or any combination of these factors.
Don't get a job straight out of college. Go to grad school so you don't have to grow up for another 4-10 years. Trust me. It rules.
No way man. Get a job straight out of college, but teach English in a foreign country. Instead of paying for additional degrees to push back growing up, party your ass off abroad while putting in 3-4 hours of real work per 8 hour workday and get paid well for it!
Instead of paying for additional degrees

That's why you get funding.

putting in 3-4 hours of real work per 8 hour workday and get paid well for it!

That's essentially what I do, except I don't have 8 hour workdays. Most of my time on the job is spent reading econ blogs and dealing with the occasional whiny undergrad.
Yeah but if you're keen on turning your brain into mashed potatoes, the "displaced English teacher hedonist eternally in college" lifestyle means there's none of that pesky "studying" - unless you're interested in learning the language of the country you're in, but that's for SUCKERS
That combined with your crippling depression problems and enjoyment of metal and libertarianism suggests that you are of high intelligence.
Have a meeting scheduled tomorrow with a National Guard recruiter.

Ironically I am doing the same. Thinking about doing the simultaneous enlistment/rotc program. I would get paid as an E5 while in rotc and then be guaranteed a commission as a guard officer or active duty. Something to consider.
libertarianism suggests that you are of high intelligence.
Quote suggests you don't keep up with what's going on in America.

What a fucking genius.
Well Cythraul does it in a well-read way. Perhaps all libertarians are deluded and Randian, but you gotta appreciate their vision.