New Social Thread

I used to get it mixed up, but then you realize that one's a retard and the other isn't.

Our gig last night went really well. The other bands that played after us was pretty awesome as well. Nails Of Imposition, Gavin, my other guitarist helped to record their demo, have been good friends with us since we started gigging. They're a slam/brutal/tech death metal band. Memoria, the other band, sound a little bit like later Enslaved mixed with Primordial. They said they really like our music and would like to do more gigs with us in the future. Overall had an awesome night, there was a pretty good turn out.
oh ok

goddammit sudden burning in my upper stomach. hope I don't have an ulcer or cancer or something. no relation to nausea/pooping malaise, nor female reproductive issues. any quacks/real doctors in here? eating bland pork and rice, bland soup, and an apple slice made it better.
yeah i just assumed she was within that age range because well idk she looked it but not definitively leaning either way
oh ok

goddammit sudden burning in my upper stomach. hope I don't have an ulcer or cancer or something. no relation to nausea/pooping malaise, nor female reproductive issues. any quacks/real doctors in here? eating bland pork and rice, bland soup, and an apple slice made it better.

I'm not qualified yet (2nd year med student) but probably just GORD (Gastro-oesophegeal reflux disorder)Basically gastric acid is reflux back up your oesophogus (where its not meant to be) and irritating it. An isolated incident is unlikely to indicate a deeper pathology. If it continues to happen then I'd suggest going to see your doctor. Might need a change of diet. I get it really bad the morning after a big drinking session.
I did spend the weekend drinking and eating crap! Thanks a lot, I don't know why it didn't occur to me it might've been acid reflux.
I always assume acid reflux when that shit happens; pop a few calcium tablets (Tums or whatever's handy) and within a bit I'm on my way. Heartburn's a little tougher, I usually go with Zantac if it's really bad or a couple of the above tablets, wait 30 min, one more, wait 30 min, if it's not gone, Zantac ;)
I think Dakryn advocates calcium supplements and stuff like that, so maybe he'll tell me I'm doing the right thing with my life FOR ONCE :cry:
Yeah but in this case, Calcium deficiency isn't the underlying problem. Calcium tablets just treat the symptom by neutralising the acid.

This is true. I don't know a whole lot about this, but I do know that supposedly your body will leech calcium from your bones to neutralize over-acidity in the digestive system, so short of changing your diet, providing the extra calcium to do the job instead of having it leeched from the bones is a good thing.
Better solution is to not eat shitty food.
Actually he was ripping the little weasel in charge of the EU. First impressive Brit politician I've heard in recent history.

He's pretty much hated in the UK. And to be fair it was a personal attack, which is not really good politics. I'm not the biggest fan of the EU but this is not really the way to go about tackling the issue.