New Social Thread

Probably not true, he already died in 2005, and then again a few other times.

Prob have an album coming out soon or something.

If not then that kind of sucks.
Also, a quick google says that this rumor started from one of those famous metal whores who go around "being metal and badass". Like hell I trust that kind of source, let alone the medium it was posted on (Twitter).
Don't pursue girls who have boyfriends and force yourself to friendzone the ones who do. Don't be too nice straight away. Don't offer to pay for stuff. Watch "The Pick-Up Artist." Convince yourself you are hot shit and busy and channel a little of the "well I suppose I can squeeze you into my schedule" attitude. Girls like challenging dudes. The ones who are super nice and accessible are to be walked all over and milked for their money and free compliments.
I have watched both seasons of the Pick-Up Artist, read tons of things from the Don Juan Bible and that forum. And I have the theory in mind but my personality doesn't go with it. I can't force the change, I need some one-on-one lessons, which is ridiculous considering I'm 21 years old and have a lot going for me. I'm just too nice and can't seem to do anything about it.
You can find a nice insecure girl. They go for "nice guys."

There's nothing wrong with being nice. It's better than being one of those inaccessibly cold people, for sure. I'm sure you talk to your dude friends about this kind of stuff. It's a matter of balance, IMO the most important things to remember are to be sarcastic-funny from time to time, and do not project an image of yourself as someone who can be walked all over.
I think we've got an emergency...

Paramore is only 8 songs away from surpassing Slough Feg on my charts propelling them to number 5!

But yeah, so I kind of just never called that girl whose number I got. I don't know why not, probably mostly some inner fear of falling flat on my face, but whatever.
You fucking noob. She just likes the attention you give her and she is acting interested because it keeps you hooked. You're boosting her ego. At best she will sleep with you and tell you she likes you a lot, but she's not going to leave her boyfriend for you.

I might be wrong, but I was under the impression that this is all Derek really wants. Actually, I think Derek would be the one to say "I like you a lot" and then leave a bitch.

But yeah, so I kind of just never called that girl whose number I got. I don't know why not, probably mostly some inner fear of falling flat on my face, but whatever.

That's usually why we don't call.

People who say "I'm not ready for a relationship now" or "I'm way too busy" are just slinging bullshit.
She's scared that it's an automatic dealbreaker because we're young and guys have left her for it before... But I'd like some questions answered first and to think it through and talk about it openly. I'm seeing her again tonight... and we'll probably be up all night. Oh well.

She told me within 4 days of meeting her, over a text message after we hung out for an hour last night, and she and I are both 19.