Really well, thanks for asking! Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to check out any record stores because the weekend schedule was packed full; but I had a blast! My hosts took me, along with some other prospective students, out for dinner and drinks on Saturday night. Sunday there was a film showing and Q & A session with some MAPH students. That night a friend of my hosts had a kind of game night for us.
Monday was insane; breakfast, then panels on their CFA program and work/employment, as well as another Q & A with students. After that was the departmental English lunch, which was great; I actually got to talk with one of the professors I mentioned in my personal statement, along with several others.
In the end, I decided to accept. It's going to be expensive as all-get-out, but I've known that for a while (it is Chicago, after all); and I have money saved from working and I'll probably take a year off after to help pay off my loans. Furthermore, Chicago is by far the best school I applied to and my best shot at being accepted to PhD programs in the future.