New Social Thread

19 year old with two children = IT'S A TRAP!

Kids are a huge deal breaker with me at this point. You basically become a surrogate father for the time you're with the woman.
So, what is so great about Twitter? Does anyone on here use it? One of my good friends was like "Stephanie, I am telling you, you have to get one. It's great.", so after I left his house like an hour ago, I made one. I still see no excitement out of it.

And I am sorry to hear about your friend Tom Brady. I heard some pretty disturbing news today too. Even though it happened in March and I was not told until now.
Sorry to hear that Tom. :(

Eligos, if she's stable you won't be baby's new stepdad, most people are quite protective about having new significant others meet their kids so as to not confuse the kids. I think you're being really level headed about this and it sounds like there is potential for a nice normal relationship here despite the fruits of her loins.

@St33333333ph Twitter is great if you want to blather on about your daily life and have people read it in real time. I have one and I like it because going back and reading your tweets from a month or two ago is kind of neat.
I just sue twitter to get updates and hear bullshit from celebs. I follow Time, John Mayer, Michael Jordan, ROllingstone and a bunch more. Honestly ive learnt and laughed manyyyyy times.
I've been on it for the last hour or so now and it is alright, but it is not something I see using in my daily life like myspace, facebook, AIM, and this. Whih is a lot already, but whatever. It's going to be one of those "once in awhile" things, I hope so.
Really well, thanks for asking! Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to check out any record stores because the weekend schedule was packed full; but I had a blast! My hosts took me, along with some other prospective students, out for dinner and drinks on Saturday night. Sunday there was a film showing and Q & A session with some MAPH students. That night a friend of my hosts had a kind of game night for us.

Monday was insane; breakfast, then panels on their CFA program and work/employment, as well as another Q & A with students. After that was the departmental English lunch, which was great; I actually got to talk with one of the professors I mentioned in my personal statement, along with several others.

In the end, I decided to accept. It's going to be expensive as all-get-out, but I've known that for a while (it is Chicago, after all); and I have money saved from working and I'll probably take a year off after to help pay off my loans. Furthermore, Chicago is by far the best school I applied to and my best shot at being accepted to PhD programs in the future.

Well its much better to be busy than sitting around, seems like a lot of pretty enjoyable things happened as well, sounds like a damn great time. Its great that they invite the prospective students over and whatnot, but the costs of the one year masters are pretty staggering it seems like, plus the cost of living (my friend had a studio apartment when going UChicago for like $800 a month).

So any idea what you're going to end up doing for work in the next year or so?
Well its much better to be busy than sitting around, seems like a lot of pretty enjoyable things happened as well, sounds like a damn great time. Its great that they invite the prospective students over and whatnot, but the costs of the one year masters are pretty staggering it seems like, plus the cost of living (my friend had a studio apartment when going UChicago for like $800 a month).

So any idea what you're going to end up doing for work in the next year or so?

Yeah, the cost is pretty steep; but I actually met a few guys this weekend who are also attending and who suggested meeting up over the summer to look at places to live, so hopefully I'll have people to split rent with.

As far as work, they have some opportunities through paid internships and such after I graduate. Eventually I want to go for my doctorate and teach university level literature, but that's a long way off and there's no guarantee I'll get a job anywhere (or at least a good one).
So according to this guy at work, a local radio station will have an orientation, and if I go through it I'd have my own radio show.