New Social Thread

19. That was such a good age. Let's see, what was I doing when I was 19? Oh yes, getting paid to live in Hawaii and blow shit up while nailing hot azn broads. Good times.

spelled broads wrong...woops
I have a better idea; create a makeshift application in word and have her fill it out. When she's finished, tell her you'll give her a call within 5-10 business days to move on to the next step of the indoctrination.
You might as well, you've got the bitch jumping through hoops as it is.

Just hang out with her a few times and get to know her. You're making it seem like you've got a legal pad filled with random questions to ask her, which is just weird. I think you're better off finding stuff out like how old her kid is, who her baby daddy is, etc., via casually conversation as opposed to some grueling interview process. What, is your dick too good for her or something? :lol:

Just sayin...
I know of a lot of girls who have kid(s) and go through men. Some stay and some go, but more go then stay. I know having a kid at a young age could ruin possible relationships with other people in the future if you are not with the man/boy who knocked you up, but Eligos, if you believe you and her have any potential with having a good relationship, then try it. It's not like you have to marry her and be committed. You could always end it if it does not go the way you feel about it and want it to go.
Honestly, if you like her, go for it. I usually reason things based on how much I will learn from it in the end. Besides , if you like someone, you shouldn't throw it away. Ya never know, maybe shes perfect for ya

EDIT; addmitedly, I didnt read all of the prior comments to this, so it may just be out of place
I'm also, you know, making minimum wage. Her parents might be getting a divorce and if that happens I can't support two other people unless her Dad is paying child support, we're getting food stamps, and she gets a job.

That being said, it's been four days since we met, and I'm responding better than she thought I would (most guys our age run away from such things). I'd say I'm doing pretty well in that I want to talk it out instead of jumping to conclusions.
My girlfriend and I slept together shortly after we first met and spent the first few months of our relationship as "friends with benefits." I like to think we turned out alright.
So how did the Chicago trip go Einherjar?

Really well, thanks for asking! Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to check out any record stores because the weekend schedule was packed full; but I had a blast! My hosts took me, along with some other prospective students, out for dinner and drinks on Saturday night. Sunday there was a film showing and Q & A session with some MAPH students. That night a friend of my hosts had a kind of game night for us.

Monday was insane; breakfast, then panels on their CFA program and work/employment, as well as another Q & A with students. After that was the departmental English lunch, which was great; I actually got to talk with one of the professors I mentioned in my personal statement, along with several others.

In the end, I decided to accept. It's going to be expensive as all-get-out, but I've known that for a while (it is Chicago, after all); and I have money saved from working and I'll probably take a year off after to help pay off my loans. Furthermore, Chicago is by far the best school I applied to and my best shot at being accepted to PhD programs in the future.