New Social Thread

On the train back from NYC. Spent the weekend shopping for clothes and playing with my new vagina. I have work in 4 hours, which fucking sucks, but was really good to get out of town for the weekend, and I look fucking sexy in nice clothes.
Expensive surgery? :tickled:

Nah, just start walking around the clothes stores in NYC and you'll be menstruating in no time.

Sometimes I think it's a shame I'm not gay, because I got hit on by a ton of gay guys this weekend. But then I remember that being gay entails having sex with dudes, and it's okay.
My manager was really cool about me taking time off for MDF. She's moving my shifts around for those two weeks and I'll only end up taking one vacation day. Fucking awesome.

Moonsorrow tonight. Stoooooooked about it. Hope they play some newer stuff.
WAIF I don't mean to sound like a creep but you're designed to wear nice clothes. You'd look good in skinny jeans and a leather jacket.

Have fun tonight Eligos!
NOOO! No skinny jeans, they are of the gay. Straight cut with sneakers, possibly a boot cut with dress shoes. Button down shirt with either a jacket or a nice sweater. I'd like a leather jacket, but it's gonna be really hard to find one that's a good fit.
I'm 6'4 and 185. I wear a tall-medium. Nobody has that. Then we went to Big and Tall and I was too small (they start at Tall-large). It was discouraging, because I kept finding great clothes that were just a bit too small.
Oh, damn you're a full foot taller than I am. Don't ever attempt to shop in Japan.

You should go on a pilgrimage to Northern Europe and buy your clothes there, you're only 2 inches above the mean height of Dutchmen. Too bad that volcano happened.

I'm sure Wilsons and other leather specialists will custom fit you, but that's really expensive and you might as well just go on the aforementioned pilgrimage.
A foot longer too.

But yeah, that's what I was saying, it's gonna be tough to get a decent fit with a leather jacket.
Ugh, this forum's been getting shit-slow for longer and longer at night. What was originally 3-3:30 EST seems to have turned into 2-4. I demand a goddamn refund.
I think he means the speed at which the forum loads. It used to be around midnight that it would take ages to load, because Deron automatically has it do some freaky forum mumbo jumbo, but now it's around 11pm (pacific).
NOOO! No skinny jeans, they are of the gay. Straight cut with sneakers, possibly a boot cut with dress shoes. Button down shirt with either a jacket or a nice sweater. I'd like a leather jacket, but it's gonna be really hard to find one that's a good fit.

Gah, I personally can't stand boot cut jeans, or "fat leg" pants of any kind. That's all I see when I go shopping these days. It seems like most guys are fine with wearing shirts/pants with generic box-like figures. I like clothing with a snug or tighter fit.
That's because North America teaches men that it is gay to wear tight pants, and they are wrong. This is also why North America is, as far as fashion is concerned, the laughing stock of Europe and East Asia.

There are flattering cuts of pants for men that aren't the dreaded "SKINNY JEANS" - but snug is usually better. Unless you're really fat obviously.
That's because North America teaches men that it is gay to wear tight pants, and they are wrong. This is also why North America is, as far as fashion is concerned, the laughing stock of Europe and East Asia.

There are flattering cuts of pants for men that aren't the dreaded "SKINNY JEANS" - but snug is usually better. Unless you're really fat obviously.

I agree with you Krampus. I don't follow any fashion other than what I personally like, but from what I can observe, North American fashion is pathetic. And yes, it's considered gay if you're a guy and take care of your image.

Like, just look at Axe. I personally don't like their products at all but look at what they've done. They've convinced a bunch of guys who would much rather smell like b.o. than perfume (because it's less "gay") to actually wear perfume under the clever guise of "body spray". Why? Oh, because girls would rather be around a guy who smells nice? Tell me that's not common sense...

Guys are really screwing themselves over by being so homophobic. If guys realized this, going bald wouldn't be such an inevitable reality.