New Social Thread

Well, what else she is supposed to tell me? I am 18 and pratically do nothing because of stupid things I believe and think of. It's supposed to be so called "motivatoin". I don't see it though.
Stephanie, reading your stuff makes me dizzy. There's no logical flow to it and I'm not even sure it says anything. It's like you put a bunch of pronouns, cliches, and passive verbs together and called it good. And go figure, that's all the stuff I skip over when I read. Hmmmmm.
Stephanie, reading your stuff makes me dizzy. There's no logical flow to it and I'm not even sure it says anything. It's like you put a bunch of pronouns, cliches, and passive verbs together and called it good. And go figure, that's all the stuff I skip over when I read. Hmmmmm.

Alright, well, you are not the only who has said that to me. I do suck at explaining things. So what runs through my head doesn't always come out aswell on paper or on the computer. I should work on that.
Alright, I got you. I actually had to look that word up. I felt really dumb when I seen that and had no idea what it meant. I explain more than what I actually should, I guess. Since you are telling me to be more like that.
On the one hand, as a fellow 18 year-old loser I feel sympathy for her, but on the other hand...English cannot possibly be her first language.
Whenever I read a post by st3333phani3333 I think to myself "What the fuck am I doing with my life right now?"
I think that's true of any forum. We're all just feigning interest in other people's affairs.
A consoling e-pat on the shoulder here, token gratitude there but ultimately, we're mostly concerned with ourselves and the real people in our lives. This is only natural; had I known any of you in real life, I would've probably been more sympathetic to all your endeavors. But as it stands, you don't know me; I don't know you.
We should have an all-out UM gathering someplace.