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:lol: She's fucking someone else, plain and simple. Or if she isn't, she wants to.

That rap about being different is bullshit bro. My girlfriend and I are similar in a lot of ways, but also very very different in most others. If that bitch you were with thinks you should have something stupid in common like the same taste in music, you're better off without her. Especially considering the way she initially broke the news to you which was uber lame my friend. Remember, there are plenty of fish. There's also a dating site called plenty of fish, you might want to check it out.

On a side note, my girlfriend and I just hit our six year anniversary today. Go us! No we aren't married.

Plenty of Fish sucks, brah. OKCupid is way better (and it's where I met my ex-girlfriend)

She isn't fucking someone else since I saw she made an account on OKCupid yesterday. She's not the type of person to do that. I really think it comes down to some other reason like she was scared about me moving in with her or something else. This all happened out of nowhere and I didn't think anything was wrong.

A few months ago, I noticed that she would tell her friends about things that 'bothered' her about me and her friends would relay it to me, rather than her just sharing this shit with me.

I really hate how untrustworthy that is and maybe it was a sign to break it off then, but hindsight = 20/20. If we ever get back together, one thing that will happen is that she will need to be straight with me on things that bother her or I will break it off quickly (the same applies for my end too in terms of being straight with her, etc).

If it's any consolation to me, she was crying when she actually broke up with me over the phone. I think something is still there between us, but something is going on with her emotionally that is scaring her
The point is women are shallow my friend.

Wow, dude. Just when I started to think you were cool, you had to go off and prove that you're a meathead. Way to setereotype 51% of the Earth's population. That is the lowest of the low. Maybe the women you date have all been shallow, but that doesn't mean the same thing applies to all of them. Before I met my girlfriend, I could have said women are all self-absorbed, whiny bitches with a strong sense of entitlement. But I didn't. Because I don't stereotype.
Sorry to hear that dude.

There's "different" and then there's "different". Trivial things such as music taste, not liking certain habits, differing political opinions etc are no good reason to break up. These little flaws or "differences" should be the reasons that you find in each other to strengthen the relationship. It's also about compromise.

Then there's the other "different" which all lies on morals, outlook on life, ambitions, certain upbringing and traditions which clash and could hurt relationships. This was one of the reasons my ex girlfriend and I broke up. We were too "different" in this way which often lead to arguments which could get quite heated and nothing would be resolved because we both have our own ground to stand on. Compromise is much harder here, and you can see that there would be a lack of future in the relationship. I'm not saying that these relationships don't end up working out, but they often don't.

Don't worry about it too much Ozz, time will always heal and it'll always hurt whenever a relationship ends. Soon you'll pick yourself up and go on the prowl for another partner! Just don't think about it too much (easier said than done) and just carry on with your life.

I've rambled enough.
Wow, dude. Just when I started to think you were cool, you had to go off and prove that you're a meathead. Way to setereotype 51% of the Earth's population. That is the lowest of the low. Maybe the women you date have all been shallow, but that doesn't mean the same thing applies to all of them. Before I met my girlfriend, I could have said women are all self-absorbed, whiny bitches with a strong sense of entitlement. But I didn't. Because I don't stereotype.

I'm not sure why you were just now starting to think I was cool, like it's some new phenomena. I'm the most awesome poster here. ldo

I don't understand where you got the idea that because I believe most women are shallow all of the sudden I'm a meathead and a bad guy. Most women are shallow, apparently your girls have never said it to your face or something.

I'm shallow, so what? Does that make me a bad person? No. Does that make Ozz's ex a bad person (assuming she is, who knows)? No. Being picky about who you date is normal, and there tends to be a bit of shallowness in everyone. However, women are morseo then men in my opinion.

I don't like the self-righteous vibe I'm getting from your post. It's like one of those "my shit doesn't stink" retorts which I don't have any time for. I mean, if you want to keep calling me a meathead because you disagree with me that's cool, I really don't care.
Plenty of Fish sucks, brah. OKCupid is way better (and it's where I met my ex-girlfriend)

My bad. I'm no expert in dating sites. :lol: :p

She isn't fucking someone else since I saw she made an account on OKCupid yesterday. She's not the type of person to do that. I really think it comes down to some other reason like she was scared about me moving in with her or something else. This all happened out of nowhere and I didn't think anything was wrong.

A few months ago, I noticed that she would tell her friends about things that 'bothered' her about me and her friends would relay it to me, rather than her just sharing this shit with me.

I really hate how untrustworthy that is and maybe it was a sign to break it off then, but hindsight = 20/20. If we ever get back together, one thing that will happen is that she will need to be straight with me on things that bother her or I will break it off quickly (the same applies for my end too in terms of being straight with her, etc).

If it's any consolation to me, she was crying when she actually broke up with me over the phone. I think something is still there between us, but something is going on with her emotionally that is scaring her

I see. If I were you I'd just stay far away. It'll save you a ton of heartache and headache later on. Good luck bro! :kickass:
Currently I'm trying to think of what the hell can possibly be done with a b.a. degree in philosophy if I have to push grad school back a few years. I will need more time to finish the b.a. in my science curriculum, but the philosophy section is my focal point of interest. Trying to figure out what kind of job I can get to help pay back loans is making my head hurt.

It sucks because of my situation, my gpa has been shitting itself up due to the stress of work/driving/16 units. Well, the grad program here has a 3.7 minimum gpa requirement to even be considered... I'm at 3.2... so yeah.... sucks.

I don't know what the hell I'm going to do.
I have a natural affinity for the subject. I assume it's also because of the great interest I have in the subject of humans and (to be REALLY blunt) their various interpretations of existence and what is correct.

College has been such a let down; all the good topics are only available to graduate studies programs, and all the undergraduate curriculum does not cover anything of great importance. The general flow of philosophy teaching for most people isn't a holistic understanding of the thought processes of thinkers and the variables in history that influenced them, and how they dealt with quandaries throughout said systems. It's more akin to "hey, we're going to argue back and forth about this one line in this book that, although has no ramifications on any form of society today (since no one follows this form of thought), needs to be argued about for the sake of clarity". To reiterate; the main things I see my professors do is either try to make a name for themselves by having a different interpretation of someone's text, or create a new doctrine that is more verbose and complex than any previous version of the subject (to the point of incoherency).

I plan on writing a treatise, but like most well spoken authors, I plan on making it legible. If only scholars can read my work, then I have failed. To get a bit more in-depth, I plan on being a geneticist, and my goal is to be able to argue for the right to clone and genetically modify anything that may be of benefit to save ourselves and what is left of the planet. I want to argue bio-ethics, bio-technology, and most other topics that are linked with the transhumanist movement.
I could've sworn I saw a man in a red tanktop with a purse crossing the street as I walked up to my apartment just now.
Currently I'm trying to think of what the hell can possibly be done with a b.a. degree in philosophy if I have to push grad school back a few years. I will need more time to finish the b.a. in my science curriculum, but the philosophy section is my focal point of interest. Trying to figure out what kind of job I can get to help pay back loans is making my head hurt.

It sucks because of my situation, my gpa has been shitting itself up due to the stress of work/driving/16 units. Well, the grad program here has a 3.7 minimum gpa requirement to even be considered... I'm at 3.2... so yeah.... sucks.

I don't know what the hell I'm going to do.

Maybe this isn't the best time for you to be taking classes. What about a semester or two off so you can more easily get your job/money situation straight?

Also if you wanted an undergrad degree you could put to use you should've picked something other than philosophy.
I'm not going to lie to the guy or suck him off.

And there's no need to be abrasive. But I'm sure Ozzman isn't too concerned with what some random person on the internet has to say, so I guess it's not really a big deal.

He hadn't been dating the chick that long in the first place. Sure it sucks to get dumped, but why should he bet upset? She dumped him, it's her loss. He should be angry and resentful, not sad. That's the way I look at it.

Haven't you been with the same chick for like 6 years or something? When was the last time you were dumped? More than 6 years ago, presumably. Who made you some kind of expert on dating and breaking up?

The point is women are shallow my friend. It's always the "little" things that they pay attention to that end up being a deal breaker, which imo, are complete bullshit. Example: a chick dumping a guy because she doesn't like that he sleeps with his socks on.

If the women you know are the sort that would lead you to have a view like that, then I feel really sorry for you. Maybe find a different crowd to hang around with.

However, if some dude has insane road rage and she gets upset and/or afraid when driving with this guy, I could see someone ending a relationship over that. Although, if it gets to that point the proper thing to do would be to discuss it not just dumping the guy via text message, assuming the chicked really I liked him.

Well, I agree with all of that.
That is great that none of that matters after getting accepted into a college. I'll most likely be starting this Fall and I don't want anymore stress. I still have to fix all my FASFA crap before the end of June.
And there's no need to be abrasive. But I'm sure Ozzman isn't too concerned with what some random person on the internet has to say, so I guess it's not really a big deal.

I consider Mike my "friend," not just some random guy on the internet. So when I seem abrasive to him it's only because that's how we interact with one another. Kind of like an inside joke.

Haven't you been with the same chick for like 6 years or something? When was the last time you were dumped? More than 6 years ago, presumably. Who made you some kind of expert on dating and breaking up?

So you think someone who is horrible at keeping a relationship and has dated 529892852 different people is more qualified than me at giving people advice? I wasn't aware there was some criteria I had to fit in order to have an opinion on dating and women before I was allowed to talk about it.

Yes, I've been dating the same woman for six years, and we haven't even had a hint of a breakup. Clearly I'm doing something right.

If the women you know are the sort that would lead you to have a view like that, then I feel really sorry for you. Maybe find a different crowd to hang around with.

:confused: What does this even mean? Are you saying I shouldn't hang around college educated, self reliant, independent women? Because if I'm not supposed to affiliate myself with those type of people, then who exactly should I give the time of day since apparently you don't take kindly to their type?

Well, I agree with all of that.

I knew you would.
That is great that none of that matters after getting accepted into a college. I'll most likely be starting this Fall and I don't want anymore stress. I still have to fix all my FASFA crap before the end of June.

If you go to a college where you get to live on-campus and away from your family, it'll be the best time of your life most likely.
I just got my ACT scores back, yeah. I scored a 28. I wish I would of done better. I wanted some where in the 30s.

I got a 27, which was 89% better than the entire nation, so you're probably at 91% better or so. Nice job! I tried it twice and got 27 both times.

And Plenty of Fish is a scam site :lol:

Most of the profiles are fake ones created by the website, and then if you report one of them, you get deleted.
If you go to a college where you get to live on-campus and away from your family, it'll be the best time of your life most likely.
I was thinking of trying that out, but I am not sure on it. It's not that I am scared, but more of worried. It would be nice to meet new people and be some where new though.

I got a 27, which was 89% better than the entire nation, so you're probably at 91% better or so. Nice job! I tried it twice and got 27 both times.
This is the first time I took it. But, that is good that you got the same score both times. Well, atleast I think so. I don't know if I want to take it again, I don't see the point. Last year, some kid in my school scored a 35. But thanks, I am pretty proud of myself.