Feb 10, 2008
The edge of Forever
So I read an interview with MJR while they were on tour right after Paradise Lost. In it, Romeo apologized for the 5 year wait from The Odyssey to Paradise Lost. He also said that "The wait for the next album will not be nearly as bad", thus confirming ANOTHER ALBUM SOMETIME IN NEAR FUTURE MEANING WITHIN A FEW YEARRS>..... I WONDER WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE. I hope it isn't too soon though, I am still recovering from the epicness of Paradise Lost..
I hope the next release by Symphony X will include "The Accolade III!"

Just as much as I hope Metallica releases "The Unforgiven Three!"

And MegaDave's next album contains "Return to Hangar 18 Again!"

Actually A3 might be kinda cool musically, but a little lame in concept.

haha Jax, J-dub should close this thread, paradise lost just came out dude! No offence lol, CLOSED!

:headbang: SECONDED :headbang:
Let see the first one was about a guy going off to the crusades, then the second one was about the guy coming back home and killing a tyrant, and the third will be about................
The guy enjoying the spoils of war??? :lol:


You have one fact wrong there. In 'The Accolade', the knight going off to the crusades dies at the end of the song and the knight in Accolade II is apparently his son.

I just hope that whatever they do next has more singing and less screaming. A little less like death-metal would be good too. I like the more melodic stuff like V and even DWOT.

Where is there screaming in a Symphony X song, I wonder... And in which song can you find anything recembling death-metal? Cause I haven't come across a Symphony X song like that.

Sure, the last two albums have been a bit heavier and more metal and with slightly grittier vocals to underline the heaviness, but still, it has nothing to do with screaming or death-metal.
I just hope that whatever they do next has more singing and less screaming. A little less like death-metal would be good too. I like the more melodic stuff like V and even DWOT.

Where is there screaming in a Symphony X song, I wonder... And in which song can you find anything recembling death-metal? Cause I haven't come across a Symphony X song like that.

I agree with both of this. You can't talk about ''death metal''-like screaming, but comparing V or DWOT to PL, Allen's vocal performance leans to screaming.

I'd like to hear a mix of these two singing styles, as well as some more Bach-like solos and riffs, harsh gutars, and last but not least - lot's of melodic songs and rich harmonies.