New Trivium Anyone?

Don't give enough shit about Trivium to follow the stupid instructions to recieve the mp3.
Yeap, they are still shit. Here's a fun fact. I remember seeing and interview with Trivium and their other guitarist (not the vocalist) doesn't even own a Black Sabbath album. Not a single one.

Fuck Trivium.
Stormwatch said:
I have to see them live when I go to the Maiden concert in Decemeber, I dont need to inflict their brand of "metal" on myself until then. They're fucking awful.

I haven´t heard any of theyr song but Im going to Maiden gig and they are playing there. Why they take always so awful warm up bands.God Damn:erk:
Death Animal said:
I haven´t heard any of theyr song but Im going to Maiden gig and they are playing there. Why they take always so awful warm up bands.God Damn:erk:
Might be better than Funeral For A Friend, but not much. Oh well, we'll just have to make our verdict quite clear verbally.
Amarantus said:
Yeap, they are still shit. Here's a fun fact. I remember seeing and interview with Trivium and their other guitarist (not the vocalist) doesn't even own a Black Sabbath album. Not a single one.

Fuck Trivium.
thats quite sad how you judge a band on what they listen to? even though i think they are incredibly overrated and basically garbage...its like a pussy version of death metal IF even that, why bother listening to it?
zim18 said:
thats quite sad how you judge a band on what they listen to? even though i think they are incredibly overrated and basically garbage...its like a pussy version of death metal IF even that, why bother listening to it?

Of course I would judge a MEMBER of band on what they DON'T listen to. It's fucking blasphemy for someone in a band who claims they want to take over the world of "metal" to not even own a fucking BLACK SABBATH album. You do understand what I'm saying right? I can judge anyone on anything. Like how I am judging you on being a dumbshit for bringing this up.
psht, like i'd go through all that shit to hear a trivium song. if they just put a direct link maybe i'd give it a listen but fuck that email crap.