Alright, I take back everything I said about Trivium.

I agree that there are much much worse bands then Trivium but the problem is is that a lot of metalheads just don't like metalcore. I know I don't, but I am going to check out the album anyways. I give all bands a chance.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I admited I used to listen to them when in my nu metal phase. I quited though after I got so tired of his vocals. Now his vocals changed and also the instrumentation style changed. Trivium have officially gained my respect and I am now a fan. Lets hope to them not changing their vocals over again. Probably the most dramatic thing that happened this year with metal.
Erik said:
this band is absolutely fucking terrible

yes i suppose that some of the new stuff can be considered "metal" but i have rarely heard such awful metal riffs ever

also they're probably the worst case of try-hard ever, i mean jesus fucking christ do they ever try to be "metal" despite being 100% a pop band at heart... it's VERY transparent. fuck you and your overkill and darkthrone shirts
EXACTLY! :lol: