Next Testament CD

Would it be too much to ask for Chuck or Eric to give their fans an audio snippet of a new riff from the new album they're about to record?

With today's technology this should be a piece of cake. There's no marketing build up whatsoever. Are we supposed to just wait in suspense until Q1/2016? Come on guys give us something from the studio. Even if it's just 15 seconds!
Just read an interview with SDG on a Polish site ( They said the English version will be up soon. There's one question about the new album, here's what Steve said (it's my translation of the Polish translation, so it probably differs from the original a bit, but I hope the general view is not lost):

You're absolutely right, the new album is right behind the corner. I've already heard loads of new ideas. Eric has recently got to work hard in his riff laboratory, and Chuck watches over the sound which the band has managed to develop through decades. Alex brought some cool ideas too, and myself and Gene are throwing in our 3 cents. Once the new record is released, it will blow minds.
So they're working with Gene & Alex Bent? At least from these conflicting interviews they're giving.
Yeah, that would show how far with the album they are :rolleyes:

Or maybe Eric's working with one drummer and e.g. Alex with another. The most probable version, though, is that Steve didn't hear the news yet. Plus I don't know when the interview with Steve took place (definitely after June, as they mention the concert in Cracow as a past event).
Happy for Bent though if he's in. Solid drummer, and Testament's a way better gig than the mediocrity known as Battlecross. With that said, he wasn't born until after The Ritual was out, which is kind of weird to be that young and in Testament.
I would just really love to have Lombardo. I think he needs a band like Testament and vice versa.I think they would both elevate each other and we
would get some killer music.
Ya really don't like Battlecross do you? LOL!
Tempesta was always the right man for the job 👊🔊

Oh yes. Johnny T. always delivered in Testament. Perfect gig for him and perfect man for the job. Every time he joins Testament on some occassion I get the feeling he missed playing this music, where he can really display his skills. The Cult probably pays better money (can't believe it's gonna be 10 years soon).

Lombardo would be a bliss, and I agree with redfly's comment about both parties being elevated by such colaboration. At this point, it does seem a bit surreal, though, but - hey - didn't Gene's return seem so even more some time ago?
Hell ya! Tempesta is really great! I'd have no complaints!

It was kind of surreal when Gene came back. But I don't think he's really being used to his potential.At least on the last album.
don't get me wrong the drums are superb.But I kind of expected more lol But maybe this time he'll really go off!

I don't think they would or could keep Lombardo from doing his thing.

And oh ya....Whatever you say Alex lol
As for Gene I get the feeling Eric will let him more creative freedom once he's re-proven his value to him. I hope at least. Gene said he's open for any tasks, from "do this, this and this", through "keep it this way, but throw in something here and there" 'til "just do some Gene stuff on this one". DROE was somewhere between 1 and 2 I think, probably closer to 1. Let's hope we get a full-blown 2 this time at least. Let's not completely overtake Eric's vision.

As for the Alex quote - yes, LOL. BTW, is he eating during the interview? I know interview day can be hectic, but this just doesn't seem right. Oh, well. I'll listen to it anyway just to hear some Testament news.