Next Testament CD

Hey oneman good questions. I can't answer any of them lol I wouldn't be surprised if there were more. On the subject of the reunion dvd. The answer doesn't really make sense to me.
All Louie had to do is keep the beat..that's what drummers do lol. And if not, they still had Tempesta and HE had played acoustically with them before and even if he hadn't...I'm sure he could have handled it!

Yeah, that would make sense, especially that Alex is and was no stranger to acoustic guitar. The problem is that in order to play the songs acoustically some re-arrangements need to be made. If they had never played acoustically together, that would require some preparations - no chance of doing it from the get go. Besiders, Chuck and Eric had not done that in almost a decade too. I don't know.
I don't care what anybody says, the ritual was a solid album THANKS AGAIN MAN,YOU RULE !
Glad you think that way! I might be spamming, but you guys won't regret watching this 1991 Osaka show. One of the best I've seen by them. Over 90 minutes, of thrash and melody. Great selection of songs. Perilous Nation, the Ballad (Louie rocks here!), Nightmare, Face in the Sky rule. But what will you say about fucking FALLING FAST and ABSENCE OF LIGHT?! There's a time for Alex to show off a bit too.
Did you attend any of these? How about this year - are you going? I've heard an interview with Gene, which is a few weeks old, where he said he didn't know who's replacing him during some of the summer gigs, but he's ready to give the substitute guidelines if need be.
I was at the 2006 show and it was really good. This was around the Live in London era when Testament had reformed with the original members and were starting to get offers to play all over the world.

As for Heavy MTL I'm a little hesitant to buy a ticket because I don't know who will be replacing Gene and Digiorgio. Those are tough shoes to fill and I'm a little skeptical about the whole thing. I'm leaning towards waiting until the next go around. Hopefully it will be a solid tour package as a headliner in a club venue.
I couldn't agree more with you guys. Glad there's some love for the Ritual here!

As for the Heavy MTL, I've noticed they've been really advertising that a lot on their FB, like counting down the days 'til the gig. Either tickets are going slow, or this show, for some reason, is important for the band.
So Tilen Hudrap from VICIOUS RUMOURS (and a bunch of other bands) on bass and Alex Bent from BATTLECROSS on drums. Who would have thought? The drummer also plays in Dragonlord which explains a lot. Oh, he was born in 1993 :yow: way to start a career!