Next Testament CD

Listening to it - ha ha, it's always Chuck when it comes to things like that :rofl: (choosing tour over studio, not getting the lyrics done). Still, he's the best!

Good that Eric finds his way of working things out and holding it all together.
I know Oneman! And Chuck was the one saying he's wants to do an album ever year lol
Actually it comes across as kind of lazy to me. Chuck isn't even writing them all himself. Didn't Zetro say he did like four songs?
And Del James usually writes as well. And there's only what? 10 songs and one was basically done for the last album lol
Well, Testament's always been about melody. That's what set them apart from their peers back in the day. So I'm all for it. He said it will be Thrash and fast, mind you. All the early classics are melodic songs, as well as some of the newer stuff too, as opposed to a majority of Demonic, which undoubtedly is the least Testament of Testament records. So melodic doesn't equal soft or not heavy. On the contrary, whenever Eric said melodic he associated it with heavy (not brutal maybe).

Besides, artists (Eric is no exception) usually say a ton of different, not always mutually coherent things about their upcoming material - so as to appeal to a wider variety of fans, out of boredom, or due to the fact that the album is still in the early stages.

As for Gene - I can't listen to the interview right now, but that quote is disturbing. But, like we all noticed, he's really focused on Dark Angel right now (that's where he pulls the strings, whereas here he's just Eric's drum machine - which might be a part of the problem; I recently heard an interview with Alex where he basically said that Testament is Eric's baby, to the point where EP decides about Alex's tone, is louder in the mix etc., and he learnt to appreciate it for what it is and have his creativity released elsewhere). Let's hope he at least does that record (not that guy from Battlecross), and then they can get Johnny or Dave or Jon Allen or at least Mark Hernandez.
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Iterview with Chuck:

Key excerpts:

MGM: So cut to the chase. When is the new Testament album coming out?

CB: Well the new album should be out this year. We have a single coming out for the tour coming up.

MGM: Awesome!

CB: The release of that single will either be right before or right at the beginning of the tour.
CB: Those festivals are always good fun. There are quite a few coming up and we pretty much have most of our summer booked now.

We have a great trip planned over to Europe this summer and somewhere in between there we plan to record this record and try and get it done.

MGM: We are all looking forward to it that’s for sure!

CB: Well that’s the window now that we have to do it before June. You know, so March April, May the real focus is to get it done and get in the studio and record it.

MGM: This six week tour must be a bit of inspiration for you right?

CB: Well it’s a short set on the tour. We plan on working on the lyrics. All the music is pretty much done and in it. It’s just the vocals we have to work on.

MGM: Well that’s your department right?

CB: Yeah well actually it works out really well for me because when I’m on tour my voice is warmed up and strong so my voice feels good and ready to lay down some tracks.

MGM: GOOD! Overall though, I have to say Mr. Billy, vocally you have always been a force to be reckoned with.

CB: Well thank you. Hopefully we get some work done out there. That’s the window we have because after that – we pretty much have the rest of the year planned out so we are going to be really busy.

MGM: So your whole year is planned? Because I don’t see Toronto on the itinerary yet. You going to book that one for me?


CB: Well that might be another tour. Hopefully a headline tour before the end of the year.
I would love for them to do both Face In The Sky and Falling Fast! And that's a little disappointing to read that the vocals in the Dark Roots dvd/bluray are done in studio but still