Next Testament CD

Hahahaha! You know I read these interviews where people have no album coming up and then all of a sudden they are working on one and it's written and recorded and coming out soon. Testament? tick tick tick
Well the wait does suck,but after all this time I hope at least it won't sound forced.
Here's an interesting interview with Steve from Serbia. During the last minute of it, he speaks of the single. Looks like we'll wait for this one, but the good thing is Gene's involved.

Oh, in case you don't want to listen to the whole interview (most of it is Death and a big part - Sadus-related stuff, still interesting though) - the only other moment he speaks of Testament is around 10', when TOTT is being discussed.
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Shit, I posted it originally in the wrong thread - the what's going on with Flots one (too many bookmarks open at once). I'm reposting:
Eric's message on instagram:
"Working on solos and riffs! Recording starts in three weeks! W00t! W00t!"
3 weeks until it ... starts? Seriously, they're really taking the time with this one. I rest assured that it will slay, though - once it's released. Let's hope the line up will stay intact until then.
Thanks one man! that was a great interview. Seems like it got cut off a little early?
I like the part about Chuck offering Chuck money for his treatment. It's a shame they hadn't met. We could have got some
great music from a collaboration.
And are you kidding?! Summer now for the song?!! what the hell is with this band. They're burning their years away!

And to comment on the instagram post. WTF.
Redfly, some of your words - you took out of my mouth. The sluggishness is hard to understand. Let's hope they don't lose their momentum. The time is right for the album, whichever aspect you consider (be it the market, state of the competition, time of the year, length of the wait, age of the band members etc.).

Honestly, I have thought of refraining from commenting anything about the album or actually about the process of waiting for the album until the album itself materializes in something more than the band members' words, but have failed to put this thought into action or actually into lack of action. I
Don't worry, they have to get at least the rhythm recording done by June, because there's another US Death to All tour happening.
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Seriously, I don't see 50's as that old anymore. But the goddarn clock is ticking. We already lost what might have been their best years because of shitty cancer.
Since the current Testmant camp remains silent, let's hear something from one of the alumni. Here's a funny little interview that Deadly Embrace did with Johnny Tempestament vel. Johnny Techno 20 years ago. Man, times have changed a lot:

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