Next Testament CD

Oh fuck!That sucks man.Time to treat yourself buddy,you know you deserve it! I definitely know the feeling,just lost a tweeter in one of my home system speakers and a crossover to the mid's in another :mad:
Haha, check this out. So that pc died. My stereo has decided to only work when it wants to. My guitar processor is switching effects whenever it wants. One of my guitars died. My playstation is crashing all the time. Three different remote controls just stopped working completely. My ferret is losing fur. And the Lyme disease I picked up this summer didn't go away so now I'm back on antibiotics. There's more things that have fucked up this year but I can't keep track of it all lol!
Rich,I'm sorry I didn't know about you having Lyme disease man! I sure hope you and your buddy recover soon.The other shit can wait!!!
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Thanks buddy! It's funny because I got it right after you asked how the summer was going and I said good lol
I took all the antibiotics and they said retest is three months and they didn't knock it out. So now I had three months where it's just running rampant.
This is my second time with Lyme. I had it a few years ago, from hiking. Ironically I had avoided hiking for a long longtime.
To avoid getting it again. My Dr ordered me to go, and what happens? Bam! Lyme disease. Freakin Deer!
Yup and I pick them off me quite a bit!Though they're not the microscopic deer ticks YET!!!
Wow, redfly I didn't know you were going through such nasty shit. I keep my fingers crossed for your recovery. Let's hope the New Year turns the things around for you, man!

I never had any issue with Chucks lyrics until Formation. I thought he was back in form on DROE, but some of the lyrics in these songs feel generic too me and a bit simple. And yes a bit of the subject matter as well. I know he's better than that. Don't get me wrong, non of this is really affecting my love of this album because his vocal melodies and delivery I think are in top form.

I could totally put my name under that statement. Every word. Chuck rules, and I can really appreciate how he's pushing his limits in his 50's. He sure ain't resting on the laurels and tries to think of something that might surprise the fans, instead of choosing the easy path that many veteran singers take.

By the way one man. I'm always impressed with your grip on English. Especially American slang! If I didn't know better I could think you only moved to Poland!

I don't know what to say, I'm flushed, ha ha. It's only from listening to Thrash, I guess. I'm using very formal English at work, if any.
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Thanks for the videos, Neptune. No wonder you posted the Neptune's Spear video, ha ha. Seriously though, that lead section is absolutely delicious. IMO Alex should keep exploring this kind of stuff and flirt with classical music more. This really works in Testament. A Day in the Death is another great example of utilizing the heritage of the great masters for metal purposes.
Thanks one man! Four more days of antibiotics and then for some dumb reason they are going to wait six months before they test again. I just saw the Dr and she said the Lyme came back full blown. So if it doesn't get knocked out this time I have to call a specialist with infectious disease lol
So fingers crossed!

You're right one man, Chuck is like a force of nature! I don't know what all those vocal effects were he was talking about not using. But his voice sounds great.

I agree! I have always loved the classical component of thrash!