Next Testament CD

Yesterday testament started the recording for the new album
Cool, hopefully new album will be fast and thrash. Lately older bands albums have been disappointing. For example last Cannibal Corpse album was slowest shit they have ever done and riffs weren't that good anymore.
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Cool, hopefully new album will be fast and thrash. Lately older bands albums have been disappointing. For example last Cannibal Corpse album was slowest shit they have ever done and riffs weren't that good anymore.
Yeah I would love it if their were barely any mid paced stuff. Ideally none lol but I don't think that will happen. But hopefully the mid paced will be evil \m/
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European tour starts June 16 and ends August 17. So we can expect that they are recording in August/September time and it will be out by February 2020? Still before new Exodus. :D
I seriously hope not. But they keep letting the label tell the what is a good time. Someone needs to tell them a good time is as soon as possible!
I understand that Gary is making good fortune with Slayer but it has been torture that Exodus ain't that active anymore. Slayer has always been "attitude" band for me and not so much about music. I guess next Exodus album will be their last and it's shame cause they have been forced to waste their time to wait for Gary.