Next Testament CD

Sigh,maybe they don't want to time it with Anthrax and Megadeth?

They were supposed to do the vocals, bass and lead guitar starting the first week of September according to so I don't see the new album coming out before the tour starts. Mixing the album will take a week or two and we haven't even seen album artwork yet. Bands historically don't release new albums after the second week of November (that's when everyone puts out a "new" greatest hits package for the Christmas buying season) so I'm guessing an early February release is what we'll see.
Commented TESTAMENT guitarist Alex Skolnick: "We're more than halfway done recording the new album, 'Dark Roots of Earth'. It's coming along as well or better than any album this band has done. It just seems to have a focus, clarity and definition on a level that I don't remember at this point in the process. Of course, you can never truly sum up an album until all the tracks are recorded, the mixes are done and the entire collection is mastered. But from where things stand right now, it's looking like we may have a winner."
Just saw the replay of the new "That Metal Show" with Sammy Hagar as the guest and Alex was the guest guitar player. He said that an album would be out in the fall but, then again, it was taped in July so I'm not sure how much stock we can put in it. Would be nice though.
If this was some other band I would say that "more mature" was the kiss of death.
A couple songs he will be singing in Spanish?! No thanks.

I don't know, this statement could be scary or absolutely awesome. " After all these years do you challenge your voice or you just playing it safe?
In this album I really challenged my voice. I am singing notes that I have never sung before and I really pushed myself and in fact, the producer pushed a lot on this one. I am very happy with it."
I wouldn't say the "Formation"was anywhere near as thrashy as "The Gathering"

I do like environmental songs though.
Holy shit, April.
I understand the Spanish songs (if this wasn't a joke) are to be bonuses only, which kicks ass IMO. To hear Chuck do something new, perhaps not very metal will be cool. The more versions of the albums and additional songs we get, the better. Hearing Chuck take new challenges and expand his vocal limits even more is very promissing. He's been one of metal's most versatile vocalists throughout the years and if there still are new notes he tries to explore - I'm interested to hear it. What I like about their albums is the diversity - even though you can always clearly tell it's Testament, they all sound so different each time. Few bands have managed to achieve it and not lose their credibility. I'm very glad that 25 years in the business they still want and dare to evolve and not just play it safe.

As for environmental songs, I find them rather cheesy, but I don't pay too much attention to metal lyrics anyway. As long as they're not annoyingly stupid (which is never the case with Testament luckily), I'll get over all the cliche stuff.
Well to me these will be songs I will never hear.What am I going to do? blast these songs when I don't know what the hell he is saying?!Screw that, this is a stupid idea.I would feel the same way with any language.But especially Spanish as I have it shoved down my throat on a daily basis by people who call me gringo in my own country..What a fricken waste of what will most likely be awesome music.
It might be different to you as you are listening to them "Presumably" in a foreign language anyway. But god I hope it was a joke as it seems to have come out of nowhere.But I guess you don't care about lyrics that much lol.To each their own!
I do pay close attention to lyrics and that's why I love environmental and political songs.As far as I'm concerned the human race should be constantly reminded that we are fucking up.That's one of the best things about thrash for me,it's not meaningless fluff.
As for challenging his vocals,I don't see what he would do different than in 25 years of making music.The last time I heard him say something like that was "Formation" and it Just sounded to me as though he made his voice ridiculously high.But of course I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because after all Chuck is the best.
How about bonus bonus tracks where he does English versions also.....God April is so far!
Maybe they aim at getting bigger in the Latin world markets :). I hope there will be English bonus tracks as well. There will probably be a bonus-free version of the album too. Personally, I will be trying to collect all versions, because any new song or even a musical experiment from Testament is precious to me.

Like you noticed, English's a foreign language for me, but I understand more of it than of Spanish and despite my opinion on the quality of 80% of metal's lyrics, I still prefer to understand what I'm listening to. That's why I hardly listen to metal sung in other language than Polish or English. However, as long as I get Testament's music and Chuck's vocals, the lyrics can well be in suahili for me. I would treat the Spanish songs (if any) as a novelty and a nice experiment only, though.

As for the vocals on TFOD - I liked them a lot. They reminded me of Practice-era Chuck. I probably slightly prefer the deeper singing as on the Ritual, but I love all the styles Chuck's displayed thus far to be honest.
Sigh there is really nothing I can say without being called a racist lol But when I watch the small town I grew up in turn into Mexican gang territory and treated like I don't belong here..well it all adds up.I suppose it is different in Europe where you have lots of small countrys with different languages all around.Country's that are more or less comparable to each other.But Spanish here isn't from Spain it's from Mexico and that is one violent country and it's rapidly spreading here as well.I don't think Testament needs the "latino" market they sell just fine with them in English anyway.Ok enough of that shit huh?! lol
I thought the higher vocal parts on Formation sounded too much like Zetro from Exodus to me.I thought it was much higher than the old Testament.But like you say Chuck is awesome.I would love experimental music,maybe more jam oriented.Testament is just so good.I can't doubt them but it does make me a little nervous.