Next Testament CD

I'm not really up on what metalcore is but if it's anything like Suicide Silence I hate it.I wouldn't really put LOG in that category though.
I'm not a big fan of guest vocals either.But I always thought it would be cool if Chuck and Blitz and maybe Dave or Eric AK from Flotsam did something together.I can't get into heavy bands with female singers anymore than I can get into heavy bands with keyboards.Although I hate their male singer even more.I'm not sure what that guy brings to the table.
The Megadeth "Peace" reissue is some megabucks! at least for the version I'd get.

I really like the new Anthrax as well.It's their best song since 90" I do however think the chorus is a little poppy and wish they had gone a different way.
But I figure it's their radio or movie track for this album so I don't let it bother me.I will be turning the volume down on that part when I'm driving around though!

I pretty much lump all the grunt and growl bands together; bands such as Hatebreed and the like. I guess I just enjoyed it more when singers actually sang although, oddly enough, I seem to listen to the newer Testament stuff more when they got even heavier and Chuck started the death vocals.

Borders usually hands out 30%-50% off coupons through the email like they're candy and they definitely have the deluxe "Peace Sells" reissue listed on the website. You should go on there and sign up for their emails as I'm pretty sure they're going to do a 40 or 50% coupon for the 4th of July weekend. Use it to preorder and you'll get it for around $90.

The chorus is a bit on the poppy side but it's pretty much the same way they wrote it when Dan Nelson was in the band, he of his Pantera-wannabe vocal stylings. I hope it's more of a progression from where Persistence left off than of We've Come For You All.
Shit! the Borders by me just closed after like 20 years! The only reason I don't put LOG in with bands like Hate Breed is that LOG can play more than 4 chords.They have solos and some melody.But enough of LOG.Bring on Testament!!
Yeah I thought they'd try to get Clemente or Barker back. Or even Tempesta or someone. But as Hoglan is better than all three of them, it's k. Though I personally think Paul is the best drummer within Testament... his work in Formation blows away Gene's in Demonic.

Dear God no, no more Clemente. That guy was so limited in his playing ability when he was younger. At his current age, and that he doesn't play full time any more, he's probably at about Lars's level.

And Lombardo was Testament's best drummer. Then again, he's the best drummer any band that's had him has ever had.
Shit! the Borders by me just closed after like 20 years! The only reason I don't put LOG in with bands like Hate Breed is that LOG can play more than 4 chords.They have solos and some melody.But enough of LOG.Bring on Testament!!

You can order it off of their website and have it mailed. Anything over $30 has free shipping.

Hopefully we'll get more updates soon on the Testament disc. I'm hopeful for something out by mid-October. You usually don't see a lot of new music releases after Halloween. Everything after that is usually box sets and best ofs for Christmas.
asked and received:

Chuck Billy: "Gene Hoglan completed his drum tracks last Friday, so now Greg Christian will start on the bass tracks." Guitarist Eric Peterson added, "[This is] gonna be the fastest and most-outta-control drum record we've done."
I have a feeling this album is going to crush anything they've ever done including The New Order and The Gathering. Just my gut feeling that it will be brutal as fuck and I'm starving for a kick ass thrash album.

Bring it on!
asked and received:

Chuck Billy: "Gene Hoglan completed his drum tracks last Friday, so now Greg Christian will start on the bass tracks." Guitarist Eric Peterson added, "[This is] gonna be the fastest and most-outta-control drum record we've done."

This knight burn'eth with searing white-hot anticipation for this newest Testament discus!

Lord Hoglan's cannon-fire rhythms shall blend with Testamen's metal onslaught just as thunder explodes with torrents of lightning!

This post now concludeth!
asked and received:

Chuck Billy: "Gene Hoglan completed his drum tracks last Friday, so now Greg Christian will start on the bass tracks." Guitarist Eric Peterson added, "[This is] gonna be the fastest and most-outta-control drum record we've done."

Now THAT is what I like to hear!!

Sweet new emoticon lol :hahamiddlefinger:
I hope the new album has the same vibe as the earlier stuff like The Legacy and The New Order with elements from The Gathering and Formation. What I find was lacking a little off the latest release was the eerie and haunting melodies which defined Testament in the earlier days. I'm talking about the intro to Disciples and Eerie Inhabitants, muscial death, and hypnosis. Even the intro to Face in the Sky is killer with the pure acoustic sounds. A mix of fast heavy riffs with melodies would be the best direction IMO. I know Eric did mention a few times that he and Alex were both working on adding more melodies and solos than what Formation offered so I hope the fast paced tracks leave room for them.