NFL 2012

Jeezus christ another fluke! GIANTS ARE ONE OF THE THE LUCKIEST TEAMS EVER!!! Pats D- stepped up once again and they actually deserved to win. If Welker makes that routine catch its pretty much game over and its not even a discussion. Then we see another miracle catch for the!? I'm usually the first to give props to the other team...but this is just too crazy...Pats should have won!

Really did you see the first half? It could've and should've been blow-out city for the Giants...and not going for it early on 4 and 3 up 8 on like the Pats 40 to put a strangle hold on the game? For the Pats to emerge up at was thier game to win. It became a fluke!
Welker makes the simple catch its game over another Pats SB...WE ALL UNDERSTAND THAT RIGHT!? Even then the drops on the Pats final drive were glaring. Look, I was hanging (of course) with a bunch of Pats fans to wich I even said to them that they were crazy to bet and take the Pats. I thought all along the Giants were a more complete team and that they were going to win this SB...yes that was my prediction! That being said, the Pats had this game.
Okay Mr. butthurt, what about the non-call on Linval Joseph being held (by Waters I believe) on the touchdown at the end of the first quarter, or Sterling Moore's pass interference non-call on third down?

And...didn't the Patriots get a first down after that Welker non-catch?
I don't even know what to think right now. I just keep thinking that this has been one of the worst football seasons in memory. Baby jesus, if you're listening, please let Peyton comeback healthy and play again. Amen.
Okay Mr. butthurt, what about the non-call on Linval Joseph being held (by Waters I believe) on the touchdown at the end of the first quarter, or Sterling Moore's pass interference non-call on third down?

And...didn't the Patriots get a first down after that Welker non-catch?

My butt is feeling fine ;) is what it is...whats your point? Good calls bad calls things kinda played out in a good way for the Pats as mentioned. My point is even in a game that I thought the Giants were going to win...for once it looked like it was somehow in the cards for the Pats this time and nope boom!...taken away again in the end. Oh well.
Giants win the Super Bowl and you're still talking about Peyton and whining what a bad year it was. Can you be any more transparent, SHUDDUP!

and Muzmaze, you're a moron.