NFL 2012

There are more Giants left from their last super bowl than there are Patriots actually, so it's a stretch to say the Patriots are more familiar with the 'hype' of the game.
Not so much "the hype" but the familiar surroundings...Pats have played there (vs Indy) quite often and again the fast track should help them. I might be reaching here...but kinda having fun with this one. Really didn't think the Pats would be in this spot along with thier defense that has been overall horrible this year. As I said before though, they weren't the only AFC team with flaws this year.

And yes OverW...the Pats D- looks statistically horrible. Yet they bend but don't break. That being said, last week was the only real time the D- bailed the offense out. They atleast matched unexpectedly the Ravens D-. I mean c'mon, they are historically one of the worst defenses ever in the NFL, and at times have had offensive players fill in as CB's (Julian Edelman at CB yikes). I'm kind of use to, spoiled a bit and expect SB runs at this point...but this year is kinda giddy! Beating Denver was a lock. But to have Flacco outplay Brady, with that Ravens D- and then a missed chipshot FG...things are somehow aligned for the Pats.
Butthurt? In case you haven't checked the blogosphere, no one outside of New England and half of New York is thrilled about this matchup.

I already predicted the Patriots would be in the Super Bowl, although I would have muched preferred a Ravens/Saints matchup or Ravens/49ers matchup.

I also find your previous tirade about how "comparisons to the 2007 Giants are bullshit blahblahblah" even more amusing now than I did then. :p

I like you dude but you can be suuuccchhh a fucking know-it-all. First of all the blogosphere you've got to be joking! and who is "no one". It's a god damn rematch of one of the best Super Bowls ever played. What, you read some articles and comments and all of a sudden the whole country isn't interested anymore? GIVE ME A BREAK! We'll see the ratings, and then I'll assign you another sig, heh.

Oh and

Why the 2011 Giants are nothing like the 2007 team

Stop me if you've heard someone say this Giants team is just like the one four years ago.

In fact, if I had a dollar for every person that made that comparison I might be able to afford to attend the Super Bowl.

I've been watching the Giants for over twenty years and have been fortunate enough to have seen them win two Super Bowls (1990 and 2007).

With that set as the back drop I want to dispel all the rumors about how the 2011 Giants are the same from their 2007 counterparts with four simple reasons.

1 - Eli Manning is Great

Four years ago Giant fans just hoped that Eli would not make too many bad throws that would prevent the team from winning. Now just four years later Eli's many clutch throws are one of the main reasons we are going to Indy for a shot at another Super Bowl. I'll take it a step further and say that coming into this game I expect Eli Manning to be able to match Tom Brady play for play and throw for throw. In fact I'm expecting him to outplay Brady. You wouldn't have said that four years ago.

2 - The Giants offense is explosive

Four years ago our offense was predicated on trying to soften defenses up with Jacobs and then a change of pace with the lightening quick Bradshaw as the game wore on. In between those runs the Giants would try to throw the ball up to Plaxico and take shots down the middle of the field on play action. Fast forward to 2011 and the Giants offense puts fear in the hearts of defenders. Victor Cruz, Hakeem Nicks, and Mario Manningham are as good a trio of young receivers as there are in the league. Their ability to make big plays after the catch is one the main reasons the Giants are on their way to Indy.

3 - The Giants don't blitz that much

Everybody loved Steve Spagnoulo. He had the greatest pressure packages and he wasn't afraid to bring 5 or 6 guys on consecutive plays. Perry Fewell is a completely different animal. Fewell rarely brings a 5th defender and likes to drop 7 guys into pass coverage. The Giants front four is responsible for generating most of the pressure that keeps QBs and offensive coordinators up at night.

4 - The Giants are expected to win

Sure Vegas made the Giants 3 point under dogs, but let's be real. There is no analyst or sports fan in America who will be surprised if the Giants win. Four years ago the Giants victory was the stuff of legend. Now a victory in Indy could be the stuff of legacy. The Giants are at a cross roads as a franchise that could potentially start the talk of a semi-dynasty with two titles in the last five seasons. Not to mention the Giants already beat the Pats in Gillette Stadium so not beating on a neutral field would somewhat of a let down.

You left out the part where the Giants still have the ability to forget to show up for half the season, then "turn it on" when they have no other choice.

Man, downtown Indy is fucking crazy right now. Irsay and the city did a hell of a lot better than I thought they would putting this show on. Not only that but the weather has been phenomenal. Go Giants!

Schefter is very right and backs up all of the points I made weeks and months ago. Either he's staying or he's getting cut, that's it. Whether or not he's still in Indy for the 2012 season is tbd. I say it's more of a coin flip than a "9" on his stupid scale. Listen, no one thought Irsay was going to fire the Polians and completely revamp the team this offseason. People hoped he would, but no one really knew he would go to these lengths to do so. The loss of all the coaches means absolutely nothing to Manning. Yeah sure it's a little hurtful that his good friends and mentors are gone, but the guy that meant the most to him, Tom Moore, was phased out four seasons ago and he's played just fine since then. So assuming that the Irsay does keep Manning I don't think we'll see his performance or the offense suddenly decline just because a few mediocre coaches are gone. I mean shit, all anyone has to do is look back at the 2011 Colts to realize just how fucking good that guy is.

So when retards like Schefter make statements like, "Oh look the Colts hired a defensive minded coach" implying that Peyton is clearly gone because of that, they're stupid and spouting off speculation only, there's no truth in that. Tony Dungy was a "defensive minded coach" too, and Peyton has his best seasons under him. Why? Because Dungy was a great HEAD coach, not the defensive coordinator. Obviously Dungy had final say in whatever Ron Meek was planning for the defense, but it ultimately wasn't his job to manage the defense only. The real question is whether Pagano will follow the trend of great coordinators who become head coaches continue their coordinator duties as well ala Sean Payton, Rex Ryan, et al. No one really knows how Pagano will coach because he's never been a head coach before. Given his track record I certainly hope he takes over the reigns on the defense a lot more than Dungy did during his tenure, as long as he doesn't lose his ability to coach the entire team. This is something Sean Payton realized this season, that while he spent so much of his time focusing on the offense and calling plays he was neglecting certain areas of the team because he couldn't provide enough time in coaching those areas, and that's not good.

So basically what I'm saying is, no one really knows what's going to happen except for Irsay. Anything else is just speculation. Btw, Irsay did keep Clyde Christensen who was previously the WR coach and OC as the QB coach under Arians. I guess that means Peyton is coming back right? =P

I'm not sure if anyone of you guys watched that two part interview with Trey Wingo, but Peyton made it very clear that he plans on playing next season. Which makes me happy because I wish him nothing but the best, he deserves such. I'm just praying to baby jesus that it's with the Colts. God I miss Peyton! :(
Jeezus christ another fluke! GIANTS ARE ONE OF THE THE LUCKIEST TEAMS EVER!!! Pats D- stepped up once again and they actually deserved to win. If Welker makes that routine catch its pretty much game over and its not even a discussion. Then we see another miracle catch for the!? I'm usually the first to give props to the other team...but this is just too crazy...Pats should have won!