NFL 2012

I agree, I think it would do well to get the point across to any other teams that may be involved in this sort of thing that it's not acceptable. Plus, I was listening to C-Span the other day and some members of Congress sound overly eager to get involved. If the NFL doesn't take it seriously, then they may end up paying for it with additional government oversight.
What that cunt Gregg Williams did was disgusting and he should never coach in the NFL again. And honestly, neither should Sean Payton! The fact that not one player stood up against this shit is not only disappointing but shows how much power these coaches have over the players. If you ban these two irresponsible dipshits from the NFL it will restore player integrity and no coach will ever wield this power again.

What I think they need to do is ban every single person who had knowledge of this. And I mean it. The players are just as guilty as the coaches and front office members that knew. Ban them all, and that will send the greatest message of all. Otherwise, shit like this is and other "scandals" are going to continue because only a few felt the wrath. It wasn't that long ago that Spygate dominated the news and that seemed epic. But now this bounty system the Saints ran makes Spygate look like child's play for fucks sake.
The Steelers have re-signed Jerricho Cotchery and backup every-position-on-the-offensive-line-including-center Trai Essex, in addition to signing TE Leonard Pope. Pope has played under new OC Todd Haley his entire career, both in Arizona and Kansas City.

In addition, TE/HB David Johnson and guards Ramon Foster and Dou Legursky (also backup center) have signed their RFA tenders. That leaves CB Keenan Lewis, S Ryan Mundy, and Mike Wallace left to sign their RFA tenders. Wallace reportedly does not plan to sign and intends to hold out of offseason activities. Whether or not that's true, it won't do him any good. He should ask Hines Ward how holding out in 2005 worked out for him. He said at his retirement press conference that it was his one regret. Either way, it likely will have no effect on anything. After April 20th, the Steelers are the only team, barring a trade, that he can sign with, and a trade is highly unlikely.
I love how touchy and bitchy everyone is getting over this bounty issue when other players on plenty of other teams have come out and spoken about how it is common place.

The suspensions make sense, but life long suspensions are unwarranted outside of for Williams.
Yeah really, anyone who didn't think things like this were going on in the NFL is a little naive. I understand why the NFL wants and has to stop this, what with all the lawsuits from former players popping up, but come on, this is far from an aberration. What do you think teams use the injury report for?
This was not simply targeting known injuries. Michael Crabtree didn't have an ACL injury as far as I know; I don't believe Vernon Davis was dealing with any ankle injuries. And the argument that "it happens all the time" is really not an argument at all.
This was not simply targeting known injuries. Michael Crabtree didn't have an ACL injury as far as I know; I don't believe Vernon Davis was dealing with any ankle injuries. And the argument that "it happens all the time" is really not an argument at all.

If I was arguing that Williams' actions were acceptable, then an appeal to popularity wouldn't be an argument. However, my point is that this sort of stuff is prevalent and to be expected in a violent, physical game where the goal is to hit the opponent as hard as possible; so the fact that people are "surprised" and "offended" by this is kind of laughable. It's violent entertainment that is cultivated through violent means. Anyone who has watched an interview or documentary on any of the legendary defensive players of eras past should realize that trying to beat the shit out of the opponent is nothing new. The bounties probably aren't either(though I admit that part is just speculation on my part).
It's pretty simple to me, the hits make people want to watch NFL and they make money off that but they cannot, in public, encourage the kind of hits that ruin careers, when we all know that is what fuels probably most/if not all defensive players
If I was arguing that Williams' actions were acceptable, then an appeal to popularity wouldn't be an argument. However, my point is that this sort of stuff is prevalent and to be expected in a violent, physical game where the goal is to hit the opponent as hard as possible; so the fact that people are "surprised" and "offended" by this is kind of laughable. It's violent entertainment that is cultivated through violent means. Anyone who has watched an interview or documentary on any of the legendary defensive players of eras past should realize that trying to beat the shit out of the opponent is nothing new. The bounties probably aren't either(though I admit that part is just speculation on my part).

It's funny how everybody is so damn sure about everything that happened before this scandal broke and acts like they always knew that this always happened after the fact, when in reality you likely had no idea. There is also no substantial, publicly available evidence of it ever happening before. Everybody knows that players used to try to injure players. Being paid extra to do so is still different.
If I was arguing that Williams' actions were acceptable, then an appeal to popularity wouldn't be an argument. However, my point is that this sort of stuff is prevalent and to be expected in a violent, physical game where the goal is to hit the opponent as hard as possible; so the fact that people are "surprised" and "offended" by this is kind of laughable. It's violent entertainment that is cultivated through violent means. Anyone who has watched an interview or documentary on any of the legendary defensive players of eras past should realize that trying to beat the shit out of the opponent is nothing new. The bounties probably aren't either(though I admit that part is just speculation on my part).

It's pretty simple to me, the hits make people want to watch NFL and they make money off that but they cannot, in public, encourage the kind of hits that ruin careers, when we all know that is what fuels probably most/if not all defensive players


Anyway. I hope to Jesus fuckin' Chrizist the Giants get this fuckin dude

IMO the most versatile back in the draft.

Ladies & Gentlemen RB Doug Martin


Also, just for fun, if any of you guys had to pick a guy ( within reason/draft position ) in the first round for your team who would it be? List your top 3

Im going
1. RB Doug Martin
2. LB Zach Brown
3. OT Mike Adams
For some reason it never even occurred to me for the Giants to draft a RB, but it does make sense. I wouldn't mind if they draft TE Fleener either. I don't really know anything about Zach Brown, but adding another LB to the competition couldn't hurt. How do you feel about their LT situation? They signed Sean Locklear to play RT (presumably), but he's about the same age as McKenzie, so they still need a long-term answer there as well.

For the Steelers, if we're talking strictly realistically, it's got to be Hightower at the top. Dontari Poe, David DeCastro and Luke Kuechly will not be there. If you don't get Poe, you might as well wait to get Alameda Ta'amu or Josh Chapman or something at NT.

1. ILB Dont'a Hightower
2. OG Kevin Zeitler (or Peter Konz if he's willing to play G)
3. S Mark Barron

There are a lot of options on the line though, like Cordy Glenn, Mike Adams, and Jonathan Martin. Some think that Fleener would be a good pick too, but I don't see it for the Steelers. He's not a 24th overall talent from what I can see, and there's no reason to reach when you still have Heath Miller. I wouldn't mind seeing them take WR Mohamed Sanu in the 2nd round if he's still there and the BPA.
I really like this kid Doug Martin out of Boise. He will be very productive in the league, and because of his versatility I think he will be in the league for a long time.

Fleener has the size and strength you look for in a Tight End but hes not an elite athlete and his upside is limited.

Zach Brown is one of the biggest Boom or Bust prospects in the 2012 Draft. He competed on the Track team at UNC, and runs his 40 in the 4.3 range, which is just insane for a guy who is 230-240 Pounds. Brown is a high risk, high reward pick.

The Giants LT situation is a problem. Diehl is hardly adequate. Beatty is alright against finesse players but has real problem s against power/rush demons like Cole/Ware/Orakpo. This guy Sean Locklear is a back up at best. I think the Giants will look at a guy like Nate Potter ( to compete. As far as McKenzie goes hes an unrestricted free agent and a liability.

The Steelers are imo bringing in in a new era on defense, guys like Aaron Smith, James Farrior, Larry Foote, among others, are on the way out, and they are looking to bring younger guys in. Lawrence Timmons is a anchor inside, and Dont'a Hightower would be an excellent fit right beside him for a long time. Hightower is a big, physical linebacker who will step up and hit you, but is a versatile athlete who brings a lot to the table. He looks like a thumper who is excellent in run support, and has a very high football IQ, which is Steeler material. The guy is also a good blitzer (which fits right into the Steeler scheme) who knows how to knife into the backfield to make plays behind the line. Although with their needs on the Offensive Line they would or should also consider C Peter Konz @ guard.
I'm leaning toward Zeitler over Konz, as I have questions concerning Konz's functional strength. However, the first 3 rounds are deep for guards, and I wouldn't mind somebody like Brandon Brooks, Kelechi Osemele, James Brown, or Amini Silatolu.

The Giants' LB situation is curious; namely, it's filled with a lot of bodies. Mathias Kiwanuka, Michael Boley, Chase Blackburn, Keith Rivers, Greg Jones, Jacquian Williams, Mark Herzlich, Clint Sintim, and Spencer Paysinger. Not sure what to make of this.
I just want any available pass rusher once our pick comes up in the third round

We already shored up the run defense with our LB and DT signings, get some pass rushing talent and this team will have a defense that can actually be quite solid. The secondary is already the best part of the team so it'll make that aspect even stronger.
A lot of recent mocks seem to be trying to toss Poe into Dallas with the 14th pick if he is still on the board. Personally I do not like the pick. I'm extremely wary of "Combine Kings".

I would much rather see first round attention given to the secondary if it's within reach at 14, and then address the defensive line in the 2nd or 3rd round.