NFL 2012

He has chronic migraines, and is overall more injury prone than other players of his caliber. It shouldn't matter if you're the best player, if you get hurt all the time you can't expect to be given the bank
It's about playing time as a #1 receiver. Although he does play all different types of positions (like King alluded to) he was only part of 58 percent of the Vikings' snaps, and it looks like that's not going to change.
That all purpose stat is probably bullshit, since really how many receivers are return men? He's a good slot receiver but he does get hurt too much
I'm not sure what you mean by bullshit. For comparison, the leader in that stat over the last 3 years is Darren Sproles. I can't remember who was second though.
I'm surprised no one has commented on AP yet. Some offduty cop gets his panties in a wad and AP winds up on the (right) side of police brutality for the audacity of not recognizing a cop without his uniform. Fuck the police.
Im super excited to see my Bears and 49'ers this year.
Both have upgraded the WR corps.
49'ers I think are bringing back all 11 starters on D. Going to be sick!
and adding Lamichael James should be nice
SF certainly upgraded their WR corp., but at the same time, that opens up the passing game, which means deeper, less high percentage throws, which means more turnovers. There's no way Alex Smith only throws 5 interceptions again. And as a result it will put more pressure on the defense.
Im super excited to see my Bears and 49'ers this year.
Both have upgraded the WR corps.
49'ers I think are bringing back all 11 starters on D. Going to be sick!
and adding Lamichael James should be nice

My buddy is a bears fan and I might tag along with him to see them play in SF, I think Bears are my favorite NFC team now. Michael Bush fo lyfe
Perspective on the Dez Bryant situation:

And not to suggest this is even remotely as tragic as those events, but evidently not even being at your mama’s house on a Saturday afternoon … if you are one Desmond Bryant. My gosh.

He gets charged with domestic abuse last weekend while at his mama’s house. Appalling he struck his mama with a hat and reportedly grabbed and bruised her wrists and ripped a shirt in the alleged struggle.

As appalling to me, anyway, as his mama calling 911 on her own flesh and blood.

As appalling as this local and national lynch-mob rush to justice, convicting Dez and not only sentencing him, but also suspending him from the NFL before the legal system plays out. And that’s what’s happening now.

So let’s deal with the facts. The DeSoto (Texas) Police Department is sending the Class A misdemeanor to the district attorney’s office. What then will take place is the DA will conduct his own investigation, and that likely will include interviewing Dez Bryant, his mom Angela Bryant and anyone else who was at the scene, trying to get the facts on what exactly took place last Saturday, and not just go on what she said on the 911 call.

After that, the DA will decide if his office will go forward prosecuting the charge. And if it comes to that, there is a very good chance Dez Bryant’s people will try negotiating some sort of plea bargain, hoping to make this entire messy scene go away as quickly as possible with as little repercussion as possible.

Now this will come as no shock, but evidently Angela Bryant already is backing off on her initial statement, and I’m told Dez and his 37-yerar-old mom have patched up whatever caused them to get into each other so badly that day. And since this is a misdemeanor, if the complainant doesn’t want to press charges, then there is a good possibility this will go away.


But another shoe might still fall. The NFL security department is monitoring what is taking place and gathering all the reports, which then will be sent to the league office. And as happens with all these legal sort of cases, the league then will conduct an evaluation of Dez to determine if there is a program he needs to participate in before a decision is made on any possible punishment.

Funny how so many rush to judgment and the legal and league systems take their time for thorough investigations.

Now there are reports out that Dez has admitted to doing whatever Angela said, but I find it quite curious on how most people are taking a woman who has been arrested 17 times – twice for preventing her son from attending school while growing up – at her word. In her own rage, is there at least a slim chance she embellished what actually took place? Just a slim?

As for Dez, he seemed to be in good spirits on Thursday when he bounded into the weight room to get in a workout. As chaotic as his life has been from birth, living with this person and that person and never really having his own bed in his own room until he arrived at his Oklahoma State dorm, this all has probably been just another day. Funny how a kid grows up parentless and then the minute he’s drafted, he’s surrounded by family.

This kid, and I do mean kid, has been through a lot in just less than 24 years, growing up basically parentless. There is a story in The Oklahoman quoting one of his former teachers from Lufkin, Texas, on how several teachers at the school would bring extra food to work just so they could feed Dez; how he would sleep in his clothes at night because he never knew where he might be moving to the next day. There are stories from those in Lufkin of how a former high school football coach, the late John Outlaw, tried his best to raise this basically homeless kid.

And The Oklahoman columnist Berry Tramel received a call from former Lufkin and NFL football player Bryan Gilmore, who put in eight years in the league and had reached out to Dez while he was at Oklahoma State. Gilmore told Tramel, “If you want to call out someone, call out Deion Sanders,” in reference to the dinner Dez had with Deion that Dez ended up lying about to the NCAA that got him suspended for the rest of his junior season. “He didn’t even call me after that. I personally tried to keep him away from that.”

If anyone needed four years of college to mature, not only as a football player but as a man on his own, it was Dez Bryant.

These are the facts you, too, should be loaded with before trying, convicting and sentencing this kid by yourself, and certainly not a bleeding liberal plea for sympathy for an athlete who was anything but pampered while he was growing up. Let’s not cut him just yet, nor suspend him until all the facts are in.

As for the Cowboys’ culpability, they knew when they drafted him with the 24th pick in 2010 that doing so came with a responsibility to hold his hand, to nurture him, to give him every tool imaginable to help him mature – again, on and off the field. He just hasn’t had the normal life experience most of us were fortunate to have by age 24.

So carry on. He has three years remaining on his contract. He has boundless amounts of talent if he can ever escape the shackles of his upbringing and the ones provided by those who continually try to take advantage of him.

Life, huh, never easy.
That doesn't seem at all like an appropriate commentary from the team's own official site.
I'm not going to lie, I don't buy that story at all. What rich ass dude beats up his mom? haha, she's probably a money grubbing whore.
I guess an arrest record is biased information? It's better than the kneejerk OMG HE DID WHAT TO HIS MOM???

I don't see teams' official websites as platforms for butthurt "how dare you judge my player" spiels like the one you posted. I've never seen this type of commentary from an official site anywhere else before, not even this offseason, and there have been A LOT of arrests. Not even when James Harrison was arrested for domestic abuse in 2008 did the Steelers website put up so defensive and reactionary a commentary on the situation. What would have been appropriate would have been a simple statement that the organization is aware of the situation and is looking into it further. That type of writing is more suitable for a Cowboys blog of some kind not directly tied to the organization, in my opinion.

I'm not saying that points that it raises aren't fair, although the tone of utter asshurt and righteous indignation doesn't help. Obviously when your mother is only 13 years older than you, there will probably be a less than normal relationship between mother and son. Especially when said mother has a long record as it is. But to suggest that her allegedly backing away from what she said to 911 is undoubtedly an indication that she was clearly exaggerating is disingenuous. Given that she's a troubled crackhead herself, if anything, she just doesn't want to be cut off from her gravy train. No matter what anybody says or what excuses they grant him for explaining his behavior, Dez Bryant does not, and can not, come out of this smelling clean.