NFL 2012

I remember people talking about him being a darkhorse in the 09 draft. A small school player with great size (or at least he's super tall). A lot of talking heads thought he would be a redzone threat. Hasn't done jack in the NFL though. Is Randle struggling to adjust to the NFL? A little surprised Barden is getting the start over him.

Barden has struggled to battle his way up the depth chart, but he had a pretty impressive preseason this year and was looking to step up. He had a nice 24 yard grab on last game's winning drive. Randle also flashed quite a bit during the preseason; in fact, I was pretty impressed with him. But the Giants, like the Steelers, are a pretty traditional team, reluctant to hand too much to rookies too soon. Plus, as Jimmy said, Gilbride and Manning's system can be a bit tough to grasp for somebody new to the system, so Barden's years of experience in the system give him an edge. In reality, though, he should see a lot of playing time as the slot receiver anyway, especially while down a back and Wilson sort of still in the doghouse.
Really liked the way Barden showed up tonight. If he can play half as well as he did this game, with Nicks coming back, Cruz, Bennett and maybe Randle getting in there; the Giants passing attack could be dangerous. Granted the Panthers D is awful but when this Giant Offensive unit gels it's gonna be fun to watch.

This guy Brown runs the ball angry man. He has real good vision, pass protects and shows he can catch the ball. I'm really hoping he's legit.

Now let's see if this Team shows up in Philly.
Giants looked damn good tonight. Looks like Manning is in the zone, which is bad news for the rest of the NFL. Barden was solid stepping in for Nicks.

As for the Panthers, they really need some pass rushers. The Giants O-line is not very good and Manning still had all day to throw. And on the offensive side, that scheme seemed way too dependent on misdirection. Now I will admit I haven't watched many Panthers games with Newton at QB, and maybe tonight was just a bad game against a good D, but it seems like good, intelligent defenses will stick to their gaps and shut down all these option plays.
Re: Giants offensive line, it's definitely a two-way street. Sean Locklear should not be playing left tackle, so Diehl getting injured was a bit of a blessing in disguise, forcing the Giants to put Beatty into the game on Sunday. Beatty, through 6+ quarters, has looked very strong, and worked well with Boothe at left guard. Now, are they going to play this well against every opponent? Doubtful, but I think it will be closer to the norm than they looked week 1 and through the preseason.

Regarding the Panthers' offense, I too admittedly haven't seen a ton of their games, but the option did work on multiple occasions, and several of the times that it didn't work were simply great individual efforts, most often on Jason Pierre-Paul's part, and there aren't a lot of JPPs in the league. So basically I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not surprised that the offense does work on a lot of teams, but I suppose the more they run it the more tape there will be on it, and the less complicated/confusing it will be to defend. Either way, I really don't see them as a playoff team this year. They have a 5th round rookie starting at cornerback and Barden dominated him whenever they double teamed Cruz.
The bad officiating in the Dallas/Tampa game makes me want to throw things. Dallas had some serious smileage from the football gods in the almost blocked punt that turned into a turnover in their favor.

Edit: The ref on that post-fumble drive clearly acted to stop the Cowboys from scoring/picking up a first down. Tossing his hat directly in the path of Ogletree and causing him to fall in the endzone. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. Who does this shit?? Throwing an object into the field of play during a play in the path of a player. The guy needs to be fined and fired.

Edit #2: Jerry: Way to protect your #1 investment. Not.
I don't see them as legitimate either. Keep in mind they beat the Seahawks with a midget QB starting his first game ever and an Eagles team that just barely barely won its first two games. The Patriots win was obviously a head scratcher, but even at the end of that they literally should have lost on an easy field goal from an excellent kicker.

Check back in a couple hours for me shitting on the Steelers' awful 4th quarter effort among other things.
There's always a team or two each year that were shit the year before that make a breakthrough and vice versa. So I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that a team devoid of talent has a chance to do good things.
It's only week three gents. Trying to determine who is legit or not is a waste of time. You have to give it through week six before we can start that talk.

The Texans are legit.(barring injury, of course.) The Cardinals are not. Those are two I am sure of.

Also wondering if Christian Ponder is legit
Since no one on this thread feels like addressing it Ima m_c up in this bitch and repost: What the fucking fuck about the replacement refs: This shit is blatant.

Being a Cowboys fan, I was livid when I saw this. I don't think it was intentional though. Just another example of how incompetent these replacement refs are. Their calls in the Ravens Patriots game were ridiculous. Calling fouls when fouls did not happen, and not calling illegal hits when they did occur.