NFL 2012

Great game between the Texans and Bears. Bears' offense needs to get it together. How about Brandon Marshall? Without him the Bears' offense would be pathetic.
Great game between the Texans and Bears. Bears' offense needs to get it together. How about Brandon Marshall? Without him the Bears' offense would be pathetic.

These overly defensive heavy games are fun to watch, even if one teams offense is struggling to the point where it is painful.
So happy Vick got injured and I will never have to watch him play for the Eagles again. Foles had some really bad throws (poor decisions), but I thought he showed great poise and composer and most of the time kept the offense in rhythm while going up against a good defense. We need to see what he can do over these next seven games so we can decide which way to go in the 2013 draft.
Tomlin always looks and sounds extremely impatient during press conferences, if that is what you were referring to. He also frequently looks like he just got done crying during post-game conferences.

Edit: Actually you were probably referring to kicking a field goal on first down...nevermind. It's 2 AM.

Oh, and:

I was listening to one of the game breaks during the Colts game and Bill Cowher was doing the game winning field goal highlight for the end of the Cowboys game. And he made a mistake when he was describing what was happening in the video. A mistake that while technically wrong is right in so many ways.

"In overtime Dallas with a chance to win the game with a field goal, so and so kicks the ball and it's good and Dallas squeezes by Dallas in overtime."

lol, yes, yes they did
I was listening to one of the game breaks during the Colts game and Bill Cowher was doing the game winning field goal highlight for the end of the Cowboys game. And he made a mistake when he was describing what was happening in the video. A mistake that while technically wrong is right in so many ways.

"In overtime Dallas with a chance to win the game with a field goal, so and so kicks the ball and it's good and Dallas squeezes by Dallas in overtime."

lol, yes, yes they did

All I can hear is Hetfield screaming "You know it's Sad but Truuuuuuuwah"
But Big Ben is out and not playing. No need Steelers in wearing the prison convict uni's tonite.

Welcome to NE Andrew Luck lol
Gronkowski possibly broke his forearm, on the play they scored their 59th point allegedly.

lmao, thats what you get for running up the score
Yeah thats great news, fookin awesome! They werent really running up the score though...its just the Colts defense couldnt stop a drive to save KD's life.

On another note, is anyone else disgusted by the pussification of the NFL? I get the rules and all that protect the qbs and receivers...lord knows its benefited my Pats, Brady his receivers etc. Its disheartening though to watch safetys making play like the Cleveland v Dallas game, or tonites Steelers v Ravens game. Clean hits with shoulder pads or the so called "helmet to helmet" hits when the receiver is half responsible for the helmet contact. Wtf are safetys suppose to do these days, because they cant clean anyone out without getting flagged. Its football, a contact sport...its not goddamn soccer!
That play in the Ravens game (if I am thinking of the one you are) was clearly helmet to helmet.

Later in the game Pollard laid someone out completely cleanly though...
Im all for serious suspensions when players purposely use thier helmuts as missiles to injure recievers...hate that shit. But sometimes players incidently bang helmets, shoulders bang heads etc. Its a fine line and bang- bang plays, i dont think the intent to injure is there and safetys are hitting with shoulders like theyre suppose to. Still, a high number of clean though rough hits are getting flagged for no reason imo.
Yeah thats great news, fookin awesome! They werent really running up the score though...its just the Colts defense couldnt stop a drive to save KD's life.

On another note, is anyone else disgusted by the pussification of the NFL? I get the rules and all that protect the qbs and receivers...lord knows its benefited my Pats, Brady his receivers etc. Its disheartening though to watch safetys making play like the Cleveland v Dallas game, or tonites Steelers v Ravens game. Clean hits with shoulder pads or the so called "helmet to helmet" hits when the receiver is half responsible for the helmet contact. Wtf are safetys suppose to do these days, because they cant clean anyone out without getting flagged. Its football, a contact sport...its not goddamn soccer!

Yeah, it's fucking ridiculous these days. The problem though is that it's either be really strict, or stay lenient and let people keep dying of mush brains.

I don't see football surviving in 100 years from now because of the health risks and the subsequent drop in players, etc. I see it going to way that boxing has in the past few decades. It sucks, but I just don't see football around forever, unless they make some drastic changes to the equipment or rules.