NFL 2015


Their defense is still not very good, and their schedule is incredibly easy. They'll be one and done if they make the playoffs.

One of the best run defenses in the league right now. Sure, it's distorted by some of the bad the teams they've played, but still. It's not like I'm calling a Superbowl win or even an NFC championship. Stomped by the pack in NFC game is very realistic.
And what'd they do with those records? I'll tell ya.. they pretended :cool:. bottom line, Palmer is not a winner. He's Dalton before Dalton. And that D is highly over rated, especially this year.

@King, Panthers aint legit 'cause Cam aint legit. When they (he) beat someone maybe we can take them a little more serious. Let's see what they do against the hawks
I think the Cards are legit - but they can't beat the Packers. Panthers ain't legit with Cam and I say that as a NC boy. Cam just isn't anything near a superman.

@RMS: Randle isn't terrible but he "can't get the dirty yards". The line run blocked for/synced better with Murray, and Michael is more like Murray and maybe a step faster. Cowboys have been bringing in a lot of other FA RBs to work out as well, so someone isn't happy with the current depth.
@RMS: Randle isn't terrible but he "can't get the dirty yards". The line run blocked for/synced better with Murray, and Michael is more like Murray and maybe a step faster. Cowboys have been bringing in a lot of other FA RBs to work out as well, so someone isn't happy with the current depth.

Exactly. Plus, Randle hasn't had any serious production since Dunbar was injured. Murray was able to fall through tackles in a way that tacked an extra few yards past the point from where he initially made contact with the defender. Randle doesn't have the strength to do it. And now that the run game has essentially been put on his shoulders, it has fallen through. Randle's legs are too skinny, as are McFadden's. He can't lay a defender out and he doesn't have the agility of a McCoy to compensate for it.
Yeah that Ryans pick was beastly. Overall the QB situation in the East is pretty bad with Romo on the bench. Bradford sucks but Foles hasn't looked any better, so Chip has to be happy about that. I'm just happy no one in the NFC East looks ready to run away with it while Dallas heals up. Giants game is a must win though.