Nirvana appreciation thread

well the fact that Cobain offed himself ... I thought should count for some tr00ness amongst some of you.

Nirvana > Nile
HOT THEZBIAN SAIX@!!!! Ex-cubemate? Oh that's right, they separated you two didn't they. Fascists.

haha, that life support thing is funny. Hating women is cool as long as you aren't serious about it.
lurch70 said:
well the fact that Cobain offed himself ... I thought should count for some tr00ness amongst some of you.
:lol: This is tied with IoftheStorm's equally awesome quote in my signature right now.
we became really good friends and everytime an authority figure came in we would hush up, so they figured we were up to something.

this morning she told me she wouldn't mind being married to a guy if he wouldn't mind if she had other wimmens on the side. I said, "are you high? there's lots of guys who get a rush off lesbians!" and she says, "yeah, but they always want to participate."

One Inch Man said:
haha, that life support thing is funny. Hating women is cool as long as you aren't serious about it.
he's got serious hate issues. he caught a fiance cheating on him and now he's convinced that all women are whores. I talked him into going out with this one hot blonde from the file room, and then SHE cheated on him!
truth be told ... Nirvana was darker, grimmer, blacker then 99% of the so called BM we listen to ... they were so grim it was scary.
lizard said:
this morning she told me she wouldn't mind being married to a guy if he wouldn't mind if she had other wimmens on the side. I said, "are you high? there's lot's of guys who get a rush off lesbians!" and she says, "yeah, but they always want to participate."
I'd be so down with that! Tell her I drive a Subaru, a WAGON even!!!

@ lurch, agreed. No black metal ever emotionally moved or frightened me like Nirvana, even the real good stuff.
Which is exactly why I am glad he's gone. I don't have to listen to him whine and moan about how crappy his life is with a crack whore... and how untr00 all of us who listened to metal in the 80s/90s were...

His music was ok, but HIGHLY OVERRATED.

Nirvana>Nile??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's some funny shit... I can't stop laughing.
yeah ... i can't take her for more than 10 minutes on TV ... imagine living with that all day
I love Nile, one of the best death metal bands around. I would rather throw rocks at their mammoth of a bassist than throw away my Nirvana CDs. :)

Courtney killed Kurt, the fucking cunt. She makes me wanna vom.
lizard said:
he's got serious hate issues. he caught a fiance cheating on him and now he's convinced that all women are whores. I talked him into going out with this one hot blonde from the file room, and then SHE cheated on him!
MAN that sucks. I'd probably think the same thing! I prefer the "what you don't know can't hurt you" approach, if a chick ever cheated on me I just wouldn't want to know. Unless it was a regular occurence so I could know to ditch the slut.
JayKeeley said:
Yes, you really shouldn't. How is that stomach ulcer? :tickled:
Haha, I shall become the new bloodfiredeath! :D

Yeah you know I don't think Iron Maiden sucks, but I definitely appreciate them more than I like them.
My biggest complaint about Cobain is that he didnt off himself before he could unleash his pre-nu metal whiny music on the world.

Foo Fighters>>>>>>>>>Nirvana
J. said:
Foo Fighters>>>>>>>>>Nirvana
And on a related note,

Having all extremities severed to thin shreds of flesh, having eyes and mouth sewn together with barbed wire and being dropped in a sewer full of rabid rats > being flogged alive prior to being laid naked on a bed of rusty AIDS-infected nails while sulphuric acid drips slowly from above
Erik said:
Having all extremities severed to thin shreds of flesh, having eyes and mouth sewn together with barbed wire and being dropped in a sewer full of rabid rats > being flogged alive prior to being laid naked on a bed of rusty AIDS-infected nails while sulphuric acid drips slowly from above

Atrox > Madder Mortem
I appreciate Nirvana because they were one of the first bands I actually liked and they helped influence my move from rock to increasingly heavier and better music that culminated with discovering Opeth and the world of metal. I listen to Unplugged on occasion, but not really much else. Good band though, and I'd consider buying the box set.

Now withdraw your comments about Behemoth since that was my thread and I never tell you how much your bands suck. :loco:
Opeth17 said:
Now withdraw your comments about Behemoth since that was my thread and I never tell you how much your bands suck. :loco:
:lol: I think someone else made a Behemoth thread once too, haha.

Foo Fighters are/were crap. Dave Grohl absolutely kills behind the kit but GOD DAMN he writes incredibly boring songs.

Nirvana owns all ye souls, some of you just don't realize it yet. :tickled:
lizard said:
life with courtney must have been sheer hell.
While I find Lurch's "grimmer and blacker" comment to be as ludicrous as anything in today's bitchfest of a black metal debate, enduring that bitch even for two years proves he certainly did suffer for (sorry NAD, couldn't bring myself to use the word art.)