Nirvana appreciation thread

Anyone who likes Nirvana has to be a fucking prat. There's no justification for the whiny, boring gromit music. It just means you haven't grown out of attention-seeking-gromit phase.

Status Quo > KISS > Finist > clit cancer > Nirvana

I'm glad he's dead :)
Nah, KISS totally slay Nirvana. Cooler riffs, naughtier lyrics, cooler image, and honest about being money-hoarding sluts. Any band who recorded Deuce has to have something going for them! :D
Oh man, I just thought of something extremly witty in response, but I was too consumed with the ALL OUT BADASSEDNESS THAT IS NIRVANA.
hahahah ... you guys think you are bad with your face paint and spikes ... my bands singer shot himself in the face ... beat that ... you posers !!!! :loco:
Duran Duran >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nirvana.

What's strange to me about Nirvana is, they were the worst of the four bands (AiC, SG, PJ) that came out of that scene, fifth if you count Mother Love Bone.

lurch70 said:
hahahah ... you guys think you are bad with your face paint and spikes ... my bands singer shot himself in the face ... beat that ... you posers !!!! :loco:

I rest my case
ok ... well ... ok ... ok .. you had one incident ... ok ... we have a whole state of depressed bitching people that drink coffee.

BTW ... always thought that was cool of Dead to honor my homeland while offing himself with the I (HEART) TRANSYLVANIA shirt ... thanks dude ... represent !!!
I reflect upon this grand evening in which a revelation between friends that I have not seen in 6 years is finally revealed. All I can feel with my heart is that a greater understanding has been reached, regardless of any possible hurt feelings directly in response to the outcome of about 3 hours ago. So as the sun rises and my bed makes its beckon to me, all I can think is... damn Nirvana rules.
lurch70 said:
BTW ... always thought that was cool of Dead to honor my homeland while offing himself with the I (HEART) TRANSYLVANIA shirt ... thanks dude ... represent !!!
So many zings, so little time. :tickled:
I like Nirvana, and since my first name is Kurt, and I have blond hair, I am always getting called Nirvana this, Kurt Cobain that. Anyhoo, I always thought of Nirvana as sort of a heavy punk band. They just dont sound like any other grunge band to me. Just what is the definition of grunge anyway- other than Seattle? I naver was into the whole scene, and bands like Alice in Chains, sound a hell of a lot different than say Sonic Youth.
speed said:
Anyhoo, I always thought of Nirvana as sort of a heavy punk band.
I've always referred to them as punk. I don't really know what the definition of grunge is though, just like every other genre.
I am glad I am not the only one. Most people just sort of look at me funny when I say Nirvana is a punk band.

Yeah I hate genre definitions too, but i have no idea how one classifies grunge or alt rock.
Genre definition arguments are the reason the internet was invented, or at least music forums. I remember I called a few non-black metal bands black metal before I was kvlt enough to know the tr00 definition, and I thought people were going to come after me to break my kneecaps. Ridiculous.
Firehead said:
Alice In Chains > Soundgarden >The Screaming Trees > Pearl Jam> Nirvana
Alice in Chains > Nirvana > Pearl Jam > Soundgarden > Screaming Trees :D
One Inch Man said:
I remember I called a few non-black metal bands black metal before I was kvlt enough to know the tr00 definition, and I thought people were going to come after me to break my kneecaps.
Oh so it was you who started the "Recommend me some more black metal like Opeth" thread in the GMD?! :tickled:

Heh, you can purposely become quite legendary for all the wrong reasons in the metal underground.