No offense to anyone here, but who loves AMERICAN FOOTBALL !!


I don't know how the game works, but from what I've seen in movies and stuff, it does seem like an interesting concept. It's not exactly big over here.
krapylet said:
I don't know how the game works, but from what I've seen in movies and stuff, it does seem like an interesting concept. It's not exactly big over here.

The best thing about American football is the complexity. It took me years to really understand the sport. Most sports are continuous and there is always happening. American football is based on plays. The team that has the ball (the offense) calls a play and so does the team trying to stop them (the defense.) When the ball is moved from it's posistion on the field, both teams (11 players on each team) move at the same time and each player has a certain task they have to do, but that can change if the other team does something they are not expecting.
European football (soccer) is becoming very big in the US and I think American football will eventually become big in Europe as well. It is a great sport, but it takes watching it many times to understand it. I hope it becomes famous in your country.

I'm gonna buy tickets to go see a Panthers Game when I'm back in Charlotte.

I do like the sport more then Soccor but I find all sports hard to watch because I don't like to watch but play.
I'm a Wide Receiver when I play...

My team are the Chargers. Home town team! WE NEED A CHAMPIONSHIP! This is the year we get it...
snow_like_ash said:
Ive been playing for 3 years and I still dont fully understand it... just do my job.

Study it. Obviously you like it or you wouldn't play. Nothing against other sports, but you don't see "fanatics" of other sports quite like the looney tunes that put on facepaint and get half naked in sub-freezing temperatures anywhere else but at American football games. I'm not even a sports fan per se' as I don't watch any other sports unless I'm extremely bored and can catch the end of a game, but American football is more addictive than heroin once you finally "get it." I even play fantasy football with other members of a metal newsgroup.

One of the things I found weird about many football-heads and metal-heads is that most metal-heads aren't football fans and most football-heads aren't metal fans. Football is normally intense. Metal is normally intense. Football is complicated. Metal is normally more complicated than many other forms of music. Football is aggressive. Metal is most often aggressive. Football fans are loyal to their sport and team. Metal fans are loyal to their art and fave bands. Both are addictive as hell.

Bryant noticed that the thread says 'Who loves American Football?,' right? So, being that your opinion is that it sucks, wouldn't you think that whatever you have to say about football has nothing to do with the thread, since it's talking to the people that like it, as opposed to people like you who don't like it? I don't know, it just seems kind of obvious for one to want to avoid threads that go against what they feel...

Thread - 'Do you like [insert here]? If you do, respond.'

You - '[insert here] sucks!

Do you now see what I'm talking about here?