Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

This is amazing. Some guy from the States claims to be in a mega popular rock band and fools a bunch of venues in Europe into allowing him to play there... but nobody shows up because the band's popularity is built on a fake agency, a fake record label, a fake facebook page with bought likes and also a fake youtube channel with even more bought likes and comments :D so this dude spends a fortune playing around Europe to a crowd of two or three people. Bravo.

What's funny is that this guy is decent enough at what he's doing, it's not like he's total shit. Granted the music video is hilariously bad and the production is terrible. Instruments all sound thin and weak, vocals way too high in the mix, lyrics at times not fitting in properly with the music. However, with refinement this would be an OK song. It's not like he's so bad that he needs to fake everything to get bookings.

Dat publicity though. If he can leverage it into genuine interest it might pay off in the long run.
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Anyone here playing or played civilization 6? It started out pretty fun, but man, the absolute dumbness of the AI is ruining it for me. If we agree to go to a JOINT WAR, then don't fucking trade with our common enemy like what the fuck.
Last game I played like that was Colonization, which I believe was released in 1994 or 1995 :D great game though.
Anyone here playing or played civilization 6? It started out pretty fun, but man, the absolute dumbness of the AI is ruining it for me. If we agree to go to a JOINT WAR, then don't fucking trade with our common enemy like what the fuck.
I played rome total war. Since then everything went down.
Does 2000 count as modern power metal? :D cool album though, for sure. Germany definitely knows how to do power metal right. Freedom Call, Helloween, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Edguy/Avantasia, Iron Saviour, Masterplan, Mystic Prophecy, Primal Fear, Rage.... probably a bunch of others I'm missing out too.

Eternity by Freedom Call will probably always be my #1 PM album. Crystal Empire and Stairway to Fairyland are both very good, but Eternity is the peak imo.
@eochaid so I listened to both albums and yeah, they're great, but they sound like the majority of Power Metal I listen to, so what's your problem with the genre? :D
Also I assume you know Kiske has had a pretty huge role in Tobias Sammett's Avantasia project?

If you dig Unisonic you've surely gotta like this as well? :err:
I don't know. Let me take a listen.

Unisonic is Mikael Kiske and Kai Hansen. That's the mastermind behind Helloween and their former singer. This is why they sound familiar to you.
Avantasia is a project featuring multiple musicians so it's more like a power metal super group. The only caveat is that you have to be able to tolerate Tobias Sammett's vocals as he's in pretty much all the songs. I think he's fine, but I know some people hate his singing :D he tries too hard in some songs but generally speaking I think he's pretty good. Shits all over religion as well :cool:

Oh, and they can even perform and sing this stuff live, without the use of ProTools. Take note Anders, you can get a crowd to jump da fuck up without having to resort to juvenile electro-pop bullshit.
Power metal singers are usually very good singers. I thinknof kiske as the best metal singer ever.

My "problem" with the genre is that there are too many bands with a very similar sound. As if they're doing what they're supposed to do, if you know what I mean.

But it's almost the same for every other genre. Just listen to melodeath. Apart from a few (original) bands the rest sound as cover bands emulating their sound. No originality there.

This is why, in fact, I only listen to a few bands.
Shits all over religion as well :cool:
I'm amazed about this because Kiske is like the christian guy from the power metal. He even wrote a song for Helloween with some embarrasing lyrics:

Give me two strong arms to fight my enemies
Give me two strong eyes to see the truth
Give me two strong legs I think I have to run
And fill my heart will faith that I won't lose
I don't wanna lose

Give me one real love that I don't freeze out there
Make me feel your presence in the night
Give me one strong heart that tells me when I lie
And take my soul so I won't have to hide
I don't wanna hide

it's so cold deep down here
I know we had to fall
Souls are dying everywhere
But whatever I do I believe


There'll be no reason to live
Without you giving me light
There is so much that you give
Your love is shining so bright
I believe..."

Also this one
"We believe that the phenomena of nature
Are the expression of infinitive intelligence
We express our belief that all forms of life
Are manifestations of spirit
And thus, all men are children of God"

Utter bullshit. Though this last song "save us" is a great song.