Wow... that's one hell of a journey.
Valediction was meh. Generic track from One For Sorrow. I really liked Heart Like a Grave, it has this Autumn vibe, starting with beautiful acoustic intro. It unfolds into really nice track with typical Insomnium clean vocal/growl chorus, but what I really like about it is the temp shift near 2/3 of the song. Kind of reminds me Gojira's Explosia - pretty much basic stuff, which later on reveals to be a gem. Never really thought of it as a "safe song" as you guys did, but I think I understand the criticism. Also, I'm a big fan of brutal growls from Niilo, so perhaps that's what bought me in the end. Anyway, that one hit me hard.
And now they release this masterpiece with visually astonishing music video, leaving me speechless. I can't even make heads or tails of it, I only know it hits all the right spots for me. Sensational work, tops everything I've heard this year.