Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

I didn't think much of Nightrage's "The Venomous" when I heard it a while back, but In Abhorrence is actually a really nice MDM track. Very Gothenburg.

Also some major IF worship going on in this track off their latest album:

02:38 onwards especially. Yowie Wowie.
Also some major IF worship going on in this track off their latest album:

02:38 onwards especially. Yowie Wowie.

Word. Your post made me look them up and I’m listening through the new album. The whole album is amazing, especially for anyone who likes late 90s style In Flames.

It’s a damn shame they don’t get more credit. Where are all the Jesper fanboys? If they are slobbering over some generic shit buried at the bottom of a pop song, then this would make them ecstatic.
Word. Your post made me look them up and I’m listening through the new album. The whole album is amazing, especially for anyone who likes late 90s style In Flames.

It’s a damn shame they don’t get more credit. Where are all the Jesper fanboys? If they are slobbering over some generic shit buried at the bottom of a pop song, then this would make them ecstatic.

Yeah I just got done listening through Wolf To Man and it's pretty good. Some of the stuff sounds a bit samey but there's still some very nice 90s style MDM in there. It's a significant improvement on their 2017 album. Also the vocals seem to have changed into a Lindberg-style shriek as opposed to the rougher, more hardcore sounding vocals of the previous album. Same vocalist though.
I don't know. I just... Don't like them.

There's no real reason. Usually liming or disliking something belongs to the emotional, irrationsl, part of our brains. So I can't really tell why.
My only gripe with Nightrage is that they aren't very original. Pretty much everything they've done is a stitching together of other MDM bands. If it sounds good then lack of originality doesn't bother me though.
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Some interesting comments from DT about their Projector album, posted on facebook:

As we continue traveling down memory lane and revisiting our past albums, now we talk about Projector. We left Osmose records, as our direction in music changed, and signed with Century Media Records who released Projector in 1999. This was one of our more experimental albums where a lot of time was spent in the studio trying out things not originally intended, improvisations around guitar parts and sounds. Mikael included clean vocals in this album, which initially didn't go over too well with the critics.

Again, we like to be a band of change and evolution. That scares some people. We like experimenting and embracing different techniques. So for us, Projector and even Construct was a way to get those ideas out of our system. After a while, fans began to understand what we were about and this album finally gained some acceptance.

To a certain extent, "Projector" is seen as the weird little oddity in the family of D.T. albums - the ugly sibling with the strange haircut, the alcoholic uncle wearing his heart on his sleeve. It marked the end of a line-up that lasted for five years and struck a bold and resounding new chord for the future direction of the band.

In retrospect, we were probably a bit too stubborn and uncompromising for our own good. Taking "Projector" on the road and playing exclusively slow songs with lots of clear vocals isn't the best way to please a crowd of old school fans waiting for the trademark sound we were known for, but we did what felt right at the time. Art above entertainment, even if it meant that not everyone would be pleased.

On this reissue, there is some bonus material:

"Exposure" - the one fast song written for "Projector". Our management at that time thought that we were crazy not to include it on the album, as it would be a good alibi for the softness of the other material, but we thought that it'd just lesser the overall impact of the album. It'd just be too apologetic.

"No-one" - a leftover tune that for some reason didn't make it to the album despite being just as good as the rest of the material.

"Asleep in the bandaged light" - a previously unreleased instrumental piece written by Jivarp. Trivia geeks will be interested to learn that this was recorded with Martin Brändström, a year or so before he officially joined the band.

Vocals- Mikael Stanne
Bass- Martin Henriksson
Guitar- Niklas Sundin
Guitar- Fredrik Johansson
Drums- Anders Jivarp

Produced by:
Fredrik Nordstrom
Some interesting comments from DT about their Projector album, posted on facebook:
Very interesting to see that even they thought/knew it was going to be a controversial album. But turned out to be one of the classics.
Projector isn't one of my favourite DT albums but there is some good stuff on there. Auctioned, FreeCard, Nether Novas, ThereIn, are all really good. I'd be interested to hear what they have to say about Haven, as that is up there with WATV as my least favourite DT album.
@galvanized what was your favourite track off Wolf to Man in the end?
It’s taken me a while to figure out what I really think about this album. A lot of it is good but runs together. The end of the album is memorable plus some of the tracks from the middle. A lot of the album is very good but kind of blends together in some ways.

#1 Disconnecting the Dots

Different flavor from the rest of the album, stand out track by a long shot. Nice swaggering groove throughout, cool guitar work, relentless driving rhythm, acoustic guitar. It’s also the only track that doesn’t use the low/high vocal overdubs. All the other tracks make the vocals sound like some Arch Enemy reject track — way too busy and muddled and layered. Sounds amateurish to be honest. I like this one because it doesn’t do that. Just a stand out overall. Would love to see more in this direction.

#2 Desensitized

Best song from the “core” of the album. The bassy verses with clean guitar stands out. Cool pre-chorus and chorus. Zombie Inc type inspired solo is cool.

#3 God Forbid

Monstrous and heavy riffing. Cool use of semi-clean track that recalls At The Gates. To me this somewhat of a subtle ATG tribute song. Also a nice solo that recalls the Amott style.

#4 Escape Route Insertion

Total In Flames worship/rip off in many different ways. So of course I’m going to give this some attention. And then the Nevermore inspired solo is really interesting with the In Flames style riffs.

#5 Lytrosis

Beautiful instrumental with cool epic harmonies. Great way to end the album.
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It’s taken me a while to figure out what I really think about this album. A lot of it is good but runs together. The end of the album is memorable plus some of the tracks from the middle. A lot of the album is very good but kind of blends together in some ways.

I agree. I don't think the production helps, as at times the instruments blend together and it can be hard to hear individual elements.

It’s taken me a while to figure out what I really think about this album. A lot of it is good but runs together. The end of the album is memorable plus some of the tracks from the middle. A lot of the album is very good but kind of blends together in some ways.

#1 Disconnecting the Dots

Different flavor from the rest of the album, stand out track by a long shot. Nice swaggering groove throughout, cool guitar work, relentless driving rhythm, acoustic guitar. It’s also the only track that doesn’t use the low/high vocal overdubs. All the other tracks make the vocals sound like some Arch Enemy reject track — way too busy and muddled and layered. Sounds amateurish to be honest. I like this one because it doesn’t do that. Just a stand out overall. Would love to see more in this direction.

#2 Desensitized

Best song from the “core” of the album. The bassy verses with clean guitar stands out. Cool pre-chorus and chorus. Zombie Inc type inspired solo is cool.

These are also my top two. Disconnecting the Dots reminds me why I love MDM (and how I wish more bands would make music like this), and Desensitized is probably the best "standard" track on the album.

Two other songs I'd throw into the mix are "Starless Night" which imo is a great opening track, and "By Darkness Drawn" which has a lot of really cool moments. The opening riffs are great, nice transition into the first verse. Chorus is simple but a nice little earworm. Solo is frantic but but fits perfectly.

The rest of the songs have some decent parts but don't stand out as whole tracks. For example I love the opening/ending to "Gemini", and the solo/instrumental section is also amazing, but the verse/chorus aren't anything special.

Aside from the music I think they did a really good job with the lyrics, as a concept album telling the fall of humankind it's actually done really well. Usually these types of album fall flat on their face, but this works well, especially with the ending instrumental tying everything together. Reminds me a bit of Heaven Shall Burn's "Antigone" which was similarly quite a brutal, desperate album which ended with a really beautiful instrumental piece.

Also includes one of my favourite extreme metal tracks, although I don't know if it's classed as MDM.

Oh shit, I just saw Saint Deamon released a new album for the first time in ten years :cool: fuck yeah! They only released two albums back in 2008 & 2009 but I really loved both of them. Looking forward to giving the new one a listen this afternoon.

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I agree. I don't think the production helps, as at times the instruments blend together and it can be hard to hear individual elements.

These are also my top two. Disconnecting the Dots reminds me why I love MDM (and how I wish more bands would make music like this), and Desensitized is probably the best "standard" track on the album.

Two other songs I'd throw into the mix are "Starless Night" which imo is a great opening track, and "By Darkness Drawn" which has a lot of really cool moments. The opening riffs are great, nice transition into the first verse. Chorus is simple but a nice little earworm. Solo is frantic but but fits perfectly.

The rest of the songs have some decent parts but don't stand out as whole tracks. For example I love the opening/ending to "Gemini", and the solo/instrumental section is also amazing, but the verse/chorus aren't anything special.

Aside from the music I think they did a really good job with the lyrics, as a concept album telling the fall of humankind it's actually done really well. Usually these types of album fall flat on their face, but this works well, especially with the ending instrumental tying everything together. Reminds me a bit of Heaven Shall Burn's "Antigone" which was similarly quite a brutal, desperate album which ended with a really beautiful instrumental piece.

Also includes one of my favourite extreme metal tracks, although I don't know if it's classed as MDM.

That’s cool, sounds like our opinion matched pretty closely. Overall I still have a problem with remembering the tracks after a while. Except for Disconnecting the Dots. Amazing tune that sticks in my head.

There’s a couple Heaven Shall Burn albums I’m into but for them I have historically subscribed to “one or two albums is enough”. Those songs are more metal than I actually remember Heaven Shall Burn typically sounding like. Hmm, might need to revisit. More moody than the metalcore genre they typically get thrown in.

Interestingly I remember I had Antigone downloaded back in the day but maybe I only downloaded the first 4-5 tracks (I did this — limited bandwidth, time, storage). I don’t remember the tracks you posted. But I definitely remember the first couple.
Who likes Sabaton? Just discovered these bad asses. Why’d it take me so long? Holy shit, they are amazing! Vocals, guitars, riffs, harmonies, energy.