Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

I've been working homeoffice like 4 weeks now, its kinda boring but nothing to do about it. Hope this shit goes fast and hope everybody's ok.
My housemate most likely had it based on his condition but I never got anywhere close to the same symptoms. It could just be that I'm asymtomatic though, hard to tell without a test. I did the whole 14 day self-isolation thing as per our guidelines here. To be honest though now that we are effectively in lockdown the only difference between self-isolating and not self-isolating is being able to go to the supermarket to buy food.
So did you make your housemate stay in their room? My mother in law lives with us so we divided the house in half with plastic sheeting to block a couple hallways. Basically we try to limit contact with her. Now that we are locked down for so many weeks it’s unlikely we have it but we will keep up the protocol.

Some days I take my kids for a walk through the neighborhood. I see a lot of my neighbors starting to have small parties with other neighbors. Kind of shocking. The weakness of extroverts. I think people are starting to get loose. Overall risk is likely going down but I think an outbreak could happen pretty fast.
So did you make your housemate stay in their room? My mother in law lives with us so we divided the house in half with plastic sheeting to block a couple hallways. Basically we try to limit contact with her. Now that we are locked down for so many weeks it’s unlikely we have it but we will keep up the protocol.

Some days I take my kids for a walk through the neighborhood. I see a lot of my neighbors starting to have small parties with other neighbors. Kind of shocking. The weakness of extroverts. I think people are starting to get loose. Overall risk is likely going down but I think an outbreak could happen pretty fast.

It was quite early in the outbreak so there wasn't really any concrete advice at the time. He and I kept our distance from each other but that was about it. I'm either fortunate to be asymptomatic or I was lucky not to catch it, I guess.

Generally speaking people here are observing the rules quite well but there are always going to be some selfish dickheads who just can't help themselves. The police are doing what they can here but there are only so many of them. My worry isn't so much what's happening now, but rather what happens when the rules are relaxed again. As you say, we could easily be back to square one if social distancing is discontinued at any point in the near future. Until a vaccine is produced and distributed globally I think we are stuck in this situation.

On the plus side I had Persona 5 Royal and the FF7 Remake delivered within the past week and a half so I've got a couple of new games to keep me entertained.
I've been working homeoffice like 4 weeks now, its kinda boring but nothing to do about it. Hope this shit goes fast and hope everybody's ok.

I've been working from home for about 3 weeks now and yeah it kind of sucks. We had a WFH structure set up before this happened anyway, but we only worked from home if we had a reason (delivery, utility repair, etc). It was a nice treat then, whereas now home is the office which isn't so cool. Weirdly I miss going into the office - for the social side of things if nothing else.
I have my office at home, so that has never been a problem. The problem is being confined wih two children and wife :brick:.

And taking the dog out for a walk twice a day. People here is sooooooo stupid. This city is full of hicks. I fucking hate them. I have to tell people on the street to just keep the distance. At this rate I'm going to start sneezing on them so that they just leave my space.
Once this is over the world's dog population are going to be fitter than they ever have been.

People here are generally good about keeping their distance in fairness. I haven't had any problems there, although I tend to walk in obscure areas to avoid as many people as I can.
Good. I have problems every day here. People just doesn't knwo how to keep their distance. Mostly because they're stupid or lack education or both things.

Also, the dogs' walks are, or should be, very restricted. I take mine 2 times a day for half an hour. That's more that the police would allow but, since it's a Golden Retriever his basic needs are bigger than those from other (smaller and less energetic) dogs.
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Technically we don't have any restriction on the amount of time out. Guideline is one walk a day but really, it's impossible to enforce. They also didn't give a time limit on that one walk, so you could go out for five hours if you wanted to and theoretically wouldn't be falling foul of the guidance.
Here is, only go out for shopping or extreme needs. The dogs are supposed to be out only for the time they need to do their things. But, obviously, some dogs need more time than others for this.

OK fuck In Flames this is what I want more of.

Thanks for the recommendation. Just added their album to my library.

Remember The Minibosses? Playing all the classic NES themes?

these guys really take the production up a notch.
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Thanks for the recommendation. Just added their album to my library.

Remember The Minibosses? Playing all the classic NES themes?

these guys really take the production up a notch.

Oh yeah, Powerglove are awesome. You only realise how good some of the old game soundtracks are when you hear them with proper instruments. Their cover of the FFVII battle theme (I think it's called Omnishred) is immense. The Black Mages are also an excellent game music (Final Fantasy specific) cover band.

I'm not a huge FFVI fan but this is one of my favourites for sure. The original composer being a part of this band just makes it even better.
In Flames inspired for sure. I went to the comments just to find someone that agreed.

Yeah as soon as I saw 'Acoustic Medley' I immediately thought of IF, and it sounds pretty damn similar!

Can't beat a Sonic the Hedgehog stage themes mashup either. Speaking of which...

This guy also does some really good gaming guitar covers.
Slowly but surely I'm trying to make my (music) listening experience easier and more convenient by going through the entire discographies of bands who I am not a total fanboy of, so I can throw the songs I dig from them into a seperate playlist, not having to dig through dozens of records to find songs I like. Also, I don't think I have ever listened to all of these bands/artists songs before, so I'm discovering some new gems - or torturing myself, as my example which is about to follow.

I started with White Lies, but I doubt you'd care about that band, so I just skip it for now for you, and just say that right now I'm on a Soilwork binge. Just finished NBC (going in release order if it wasn't clear), and playing As We Speak over and over again, because I can't decide if I like it enough. Anyway, Steelbath Suicide is complete dogshit and I had to skip many songs 3/4 way through. The only song I picked was the aardvark trail - very nice melody. Very bad; or rather, boring. Lunar Strain is worse due to the vocals, but at least it has some interesting ideas. Steelbath is painfully generic. Chainheart was so-so, I picked 3 songs (title song, millionflame, machine gun majesty), but NBC is where it's at. Follow The Hollow was one of the first songs I have ever heard from them.

What was the reaction when it (NBC) came out?

edit: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO, listen to the (opening) riff to Cranking the Sirens and Metallica's Spit out the Bone!!
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Natural Born Chaos was one of the first metal CDs I bought way back in 2002. I bought it alongside Damage Done by Dark Tranquillity and Reroute by our boys N'Flaymz. Fair to say 2002 was a very good year for the Gothenburg scene as all three albums are great, although Reroute obviously got trashed pretty hard at the time.

I remember the reaction to NBC being mostly positive. Soilwork didn't exactly have a massive fanbase at the time so I don't think their change to a slightly more pop-orientated sound had the same kind of impact that In Flames did when they released R2R. Personally I absolutely loved NBC and it's still one of my favourite ever albums. NBC and R2R share a lot of similarities but for me NBC has better production, better vocals and a more polished overall presentation. Reroute feels unfinished in comparison, despite still being a very good album in its own right. Anders could never pull off the type of singing Speed is capable of, but even so... why dat production so fucking muddy?
Hey, @DE4life , what does this sentence mean at the end? : "The total travel cost should be reported as a total figure/multiplication of travels."

To give context, it is about deploying officials to other countries, and them having a grant for various expenses, including travel cost. But what the fuck is multiplication of travels? Don't they mean addition? Or is that an expression? Does the "/" stand for subtraction or for "either/or"? My brain is hurting.
Completely forgot you asked me that, and to be honest out of context I'm not sure. It's a badly worded instruction. For what it's worth I'd assume the "/" means either/or... but again, with no context I couldn't say for certain.

I just got Alestorm's new album.

Correction: the age of consent law actually allows you to have sex with someone who is 12 years old as long as you ar between 12-18; previously I thought you could not be older than 14.

Other than because of a certain minority group, I am not sure why does rule exist.
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Jeez man, that is a law that needs to be changed. Is nobody challenging the ridiculousness of allowing an 18 year old to legally have sex with a 12 year old?