Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

That’s really interesting because when the anime came out it looked so clean, seemed like one of the first digitally-drawn anime’s. That was part of the draw imo.
There's more depth and humour in the manga series. And it's not a really long series. I think... 14 volumes.
Yeah Psycho Pass is great. First season incredible, second season good, movie good. Hopefully the third season & new movie will also be good. It's one of those series that even a non-anime fan could get into, as it doesn't rely on anime tropes or stereotypes. It's basically just a cyberpunk sci-fi TV series in animated form.
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New song from Soil work is good. The singer is a beast. Best from melodeath by far.
The video on the other hand is the new low. I like how even people in the comments all agree that at this point they are making videos bad intentionally.

Thanks to Alexa misinterpreting a song request I have found an album @eochaid will no doubt agree is officially album of the year. High $tatus - Make Room for the King :cool: featuring genre legends such as Mistah White, DJ Wicked and $litwri$t ! Brokencyde meets Black Veil Brides, instant classic album.

Woop Woop :headbang:
Damn, that's sad news. I've never been a huge fan of Bodom, but Hate Crew Deathroll was one of the first extreme metal albums I really enjoyed. Still love it to this day tbh. CoB were always in the conversation alongside IF, DT, Soilwork, Arch Enemy, etc back in the early 2000s. Follow the Reaper was a decent album too, and there were a couple of songs I liked on Hatebreeder too.

I'm actually not sure I ever saw Bodom live. If I did then it would have been at a festival, but I don't remember seeing them.

Some great tracks. Their cover of Oops I Did It Again was actually pretty fucking good as well.
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Hatebreeder is my fave but first 3 albums were great. Hatecrew Deathroll was a step down in my opinion because the neoclassical elements were my fave and were de-emphasized. I don’t know, I was just really disappointed by all my favorites in 2002-2004. In Flames, Bodom, Opeth, Dimmu, it seemed like everyone was diverging away from what I really liked.
Something Wild is a bit of a mess to me. Some potential there, but a lot of flaws too.

Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper and HCD all solid albums. I lost interest in CoB fairly quickly after that. I liked a handful of songs post-2003 but pretty much nothing after Blooddrunk.

90s and early 2000s were for sure my favourite period for metal music in general. Nowadays it feels like everything has already been done, and usually better than by whoever I'm listening to.
The police is searching for John Schaffer in order to arrest him due to the incidents at the Capitol. Someone pass Anders the number to identify him. He will win satisfaction and 1000 dollars.
Jon Schaffer: "I spend a lot of time and energy trying to get people to do some research."

identified himself and spoke to the German daily newspaper Die Welt while in the crowd at a Washington, D.C. demonstration supporting Trump and protesting the election results.

:D what an idiot. If he'd done some "research" into the massive amount of hoax videos that were released claiming to be evidence of voter fraud he might not be in the situation he's in now.

You've written some great music Jon, but you're a fucking moron.
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He is. I'm so afraid, not afraid, terrified, of the people doing their own research.

The good thing is that now we have some memes of him to share with Anders.
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That’s crazy. I remember the old singer 20 years ago left the band to do government work after 9/11 and thought that was pretty noble. Now Jon is a part of the group hurting the US just like the terrorists 20 years ago. Seems ironic and sad.
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If you're talking Matt Barlow I believe he's a cop, so yeah, pretty disgusting that Schaffer willingly took part in a terrorist act that ended the life of a policeman. Problem is narcissistic, childish fucks like him and most other Trump supporters only care about themselves. Combine that with a refusal to face reality, instead choosing to live in a pretend world of ridiculous conspiracy theories, and you end up with this bullshit.

What bothers me most is how many people seem to be infected by this madness. It used to be something at the fringes of society to be laughed at - I'd like to know at which point this QAnon, David Icke, Alex Jones, conspiracy nutjob nonsense became legitimate discourse. Is Western society so unbearable that people genuinely need to invent and believe in this idiocy just to give their lives some kind of meaning?
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They are people who found "leaders" telling them what they want to hear. Not only that, they are also telling them that they are right and, if they cannot achieve their goals is due to some conspiracy lead by the forces acting in the shadows.

The most of them are alt right and arrogant cunts. The fact that they think that mass media, in the USA, social media, millionaires and the Democratic Party are dangerous leftists is a symptom of how crazy and deluded they are.